h. Living Without Money

There is SO much wrong with this picture ...

... but the naiveté of it is perfectly spot-on.

The original letter in a CouchSurfing in a "Communites living without money" thread:

"I dream of living in a society where money don't exist, where commodity-money relationship is replaced by love-value one, where people trust and can rely on each other. I know I'm not the only one who wants such life conditions (am I really right? ☺), so I would love to know about some existing communities based on such or similar principles."

And what he got in reply was actual geographical locations (i.e. "go consume someone else's culture") + 'inspiring' links to people who make a living out of 'living without money' and telling others how wonderful it is. This kind of thing makes me sad ... ALTHOUGH, I do, in fact, totally share that dream (ultimately... although the liberal solutions usually given are totally upside-down)!

My reply, 12May'14:

I truly don't understand the fascination with people who say 'they live without money'.

Wake up! They don't! They just live on *other* people's money (in a world where everything works with money) and there is nothing original whatsoever about volunteering, or being kept by others - all children are kept by their parents: we're supposed to grow out of that at some point.

And there is certainly nothing original about slavery or in working for low wages, for that matter.

Frankly I find it very depressing to see that promoted as something revolutionary.

I also agree with Buckminster Fuller: If we want a more humane society we'll have to create it - and it will have to start with depriving the rich (the 1%) of their power to exploit everyone else. If you imagine for one moment that they will notice you not buying their products, or your 'withdrawal' from consumerist society, you are massively delusional. This cannot be done individually, by any kind of "life-style".

Changing (as opposing to trying to escape) the system requires a strategy, hard work, commitment & great fight companions. And thankfully there are lots (but not enough?) intelligent, focused people making concrete plans toward that.

But they tend to have climbed out of the "me, me, me" mentality that wants to have paradise just for me and on a plate by tomorrow.

That's just escapism ... and the reason 200 species went extinct today, and that 20,000 kids died of hunger today, is because there are millions of incredibly spoilt westerners (like me: the ones who most CAN do something about this) trying to give themselves the illusion of escaping the rotten system they hate so much, instead of using their massive set of privileges (which includes their ability to direct their money into *building* the alternatives) to bring that system down.

Changing society is a big job, and it needs a big plan, or at the very least a brutally honest look at the scale of the problem, and at just how much power we actually DO have. The real point is not to 'get rid of money' but to get rid of oppression & exploitation. They are NOT the same thing!

If you can't think of a viable, realistic strategy to co-create the kind of society we all DO want to live in, try reading the Deep Green Resistance book. It's the best strategy I've seen so far, together with the Integral Permaculture Designers Manual (free on the web).

But if you have a better plan for ending slavery of all kinds, including that of humans, great! Power to you. just DO it.

But please don't indulge the dangerous illusion that escape is going to work for anyone (including you). There's quite enough Weapons of Mass Distraction used 'officially' on us on a daily basis to keep us lost, separated & ineffectual. We really don't have to add our own to the arsenal.

Weapons of Mass Distraction

from the Urban Dictionary:


13May'14 - Just parking here quickly a reply I put in CouchSurfing in a "Communites living without money" thread. I've noticed from time (and it drives me a little nuts...) how this idea of privileged westerners 'living without money' is massively promoted as something 'great' in the 'alternative' world. Eg. search for Living without money in google & you get all this.

The idealism is wonderful, the dream is actually doable (revert to pre-civilization design!) but the debate is so stuck in totally naive (liberal) politics, which is in turn firmly stuck in entitlement patterns & post-modernist fog ... that it has often felt futile to even reply.

But this time I did, imagining I would get some nasty replies back... but was pleasantly surprised that in fact I immediately got a few positive responses instead.


A politicaly charged non-issue used to distract those who live in a faith-based reality from the catastrophic failings of a political party, regime or ideology. Very often this means using scapegoats; usually Jews and Homosexuals. Hitler and the Nazis scapegoated the Jews, but Bushler demonized the homosexuals and used gay marriage as a Weapon of Mass Distraction.

What is very interesting to me about this right now, is that am preparing Part3 of the FoodFreedom series of talks with Jose (to celebrate International Permaculture Day 2014) where we're going to actually flesh out the vision of dismantling civilization & returning to hunter-gatherer model of feeding ourselves, AS probably the only realistic way of ever one day maybe achieving anything like the ideals of 'living without money'.

Ideals which I totally share (at their root) as I suspect they are, in fact, actually mostly motivated by people not wanting to be so enslaved, which is, however, not ultimately "about money" but it is all about capitalism. Hence the massive confusion...