Up to chapter 6 ..

Post date: May 13, 2011 10:01:32 PM

13 May 2011

Was fun attaching here what I wrote way back in November in the Met groups, as the new bilingual wiki is finally under way and being compiled chapter by chapter each week as we go through the 50 online lectures & classes which comprise the new PDC+++ mega-course.


is the domain we decided to put it under, & there is an explanation of the other two (.com & .net) as part of a larger picture.

It's actually very hard work to keep up the weekly rhythm of putting the materials together for each chapter (5 Modules of 10 chapters which = 10 classes in 10 weeks each!) and infact this week am sloping off & let César just do it ...

Am a little exhausted already (only class 6 !?) from preparing the classes (in two languages) and doing the e-book ... mainly because I have a few other biggie projects I also want to be doing on the farm, but I have such a lot of fun when I really get into the e-book, especially finding the videos that are suitable for that chapter ... love it being very multimedia-rich.

But am trying to relax into the plan of this being a two year project: this year we can sketch out the contents, put up the skeleton pages, as much content as we can.. but really next year polish it up & fill in the content a lot more.

But already, in terms of content, just with 6 chapters of module 1 it's already a formidable resource for Integral Permaculture! Am very proud of it :)