b. Feed Forward

Feed Forward ...

.. is like FeedBack but focusing on the Future:

do leave here your advice on how you think I could improve this portafolio presentation of my work



04-12-2008 : Antoine

Hello Stella, I think it is a very good thing you are doing this wiki. For me, the diploma is really an excuse to have a general overview of your work as well as to help structuring your ideas.

What I first can say about your wiki is that it seems well organised. What I understand is that there are two sections: one about your wikis and another about your ideas on subjects of interest to you. I think it's very good it but I feel like you put less importance to the wikis. It's maybe because there are on the bottom of the table of contents so you can't see them except if you scroll down. And I think it's a shame.... maybe you could reduce the size of the enormous title (still in the table of contents) and put your wikis there. I think it has to be accesible very easily.

That's it for now, Keep up the good work
