11. Roland Danvers Brinton 1858 [1118]

PARENT 10 Dr William Brinton 1823 [673]

DR ROLAND DANVERS BRINTON (M.D. & M.R.C.P.) was born in London on the 9 February 1858. He, like his father, was a doctor. He was registered as a Member, Royal College of Physicians, London (M.R.C.P). He graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)

Roland married HELEN CONSTANCE RENDEL in London on the 8 October 1890. Helen was born in Greatham, Surrey on the 21 January 1864 and died on the 1 June 1946, aged 82.

Roland died on the 25th of January 1946, aged 87.


i MARY DANVERS BRINTON [1453] b.1891

ii WILLIAM RALPH BRINTON [1454] b.1895

iii JOANNA EDITH BRINTON [1452] b.1903