Jerry's Resume

Jerry doesn't really have just one resume. He has a general resume template with the normal things such as contact information, education, patents, and activities. In addition, there is a list several pages long of bulleted items, each representing an accomplishment during his career. Including all of these bullets in the resume would result in a document several pages long, and would be counterproductive.

Instead, for each job application, he selects from the bulleted list only those items applicable to the job opportunity of interest, in accordance with the job's list of requirements. This allows a completely customized resume, unencumbered with items, some of which are not obviously relevant to the particular job posting. This also keeps the resume to no more than the customary limit of two pages in length.

Attached are two documents for you to view. One is the general resume, with the complete list of bulleted items. And the other is a copy of a customized resume with only those bulleted items relevant to DSP and/or wireless positions. In each of these, there are a small number of things in the Objective section which have been left unspecified. In a completely finished resume, these would be customized to the appropriate position title and employer.