Calendar Reminders

The pack web site contains a calendar for the pack as a whole and for most, if not all, of the dens. These calendars are filled with information about upcoming events and are good references. Most of us, however, could use reminding about upcoming events. There are no such reminders unless you set them up, which is something anyone with a Google account may do. It is possible to pick and choose which events to get reminders for, how often, when, and via what means (e-mail, pop-up, Blackberry, Microsoft Outlook, etc.). All this can be done by first clicking on the "remind me with Google Calendars" button, which is just below every calendar on the web site. It looks like this:

(Don't bother clicking on this one)Clicking on such a button will take you to Google Calendar, which is Google's free online shareable calendar service. If you have never registered with Google Calendar before you'll be asked to sign up, a process which takes all of about 15 seconds and results in the creation of your own personal Google Calendar (something you might find useful beyond cub scouts). If you have already registered you will be taken directly to your personal Google Calendar. Either way, you'll then be asked if you would like to add the pack or den calendar you were looking at to your Google Calendar account. Assuming you answer affirmatively you'll then be able to configure notifications for the events of interest. Most likely you'll want to add notifications by default for all events. See Calendar Notifications for more information. You can also refer to synchronizing the Google Calendar with Microsoft Outlook, a Blackberry, etc.