Popcorn Fundraising

Trail's End Popcorn Fundraising

To log in, or to set up your Scout's account, click HERE

We belong to the Spirit of Adventure Council, West Wind District, Pack 95

Pack 95 - 2023 Popcorn Fundraising Handout HERE

Sign up for Storefront shifts using your Trail's End App. Be sure you know how to use the app before arriving to your shift - you will need it to sell popcorn!


Trail's End Training Videos and Links HERE 

***The most important video to watch is the "Scout App Training." You will find other training videos on how to use the app, how to sell online, how to best prepare your scout for storefront sales. There are printable documents to help with sales as well. 


***very helpful: App Quickstart Guide - HERE 

Family guide and Amazon award flyer - HERE

Our 2023 goal for all Scouts is to sell a minimum of $300 of popcorn. This will provide at least $100 profit to our Pack. Those who do not reach this or do not participate in selling will be asked to pay a second $100 dues after popcorn sales have finished.