Westford Cub Scout Pack 95

Spirit of Adventure Council, West Wind District

Explore, learn and grow with us. 

Our motto is "Do your Best"

Upcoming Pack 95 Events

April 28 @ 1pm: Cubmobile Race @ Abbott School, Westford

May 18 @ 10am and May 19 @ 3pm: Apple Blossom Festival @ Westford

June 1 to 2: Spring Camping Trip @ Otter River Campground @ Templeton, MA

The Pack Calendar Below has been updated for the 2023-2024 Scout Year.


Pack Events and Schedule - Year at a glance

Recruiting Flyer - For families interested in learning more about Pack 95

New Scout Informational Flyer - for families that just joined, welcome!

Any questions? Please email us at: pack95admin@gmail.com

Get reminders for scouting events:

This page is a resource for current members and families of Cub Scout Pack 95. 

If you are interested in joining Cub Scouts or learning more about the pack, please visit Join Pack 95.

View, print or share our informational flyer HERE