School-Based Support

School-Based Support Overview 

School-based professional learning is an opportunity for educators and schools to engage in planning for learner-centered environments and experiences. We provide educators with the resources, opportunities, and support that will work best in their contexts. Whether you need a thought partner or training around a specific approach to Deeper Learning, the Deeper Learning team will be there to support you! 

Who can participate?School-based support It is open to all teachers, coaches, PLCs, administrators, or entire schools
When can I get support?We offer embedded professional learning during planning, PLCs, or in after school. faculty PDs.
What areas do you support?We support a variety of approaches to Deeper Learning in order to meet the needs of each educator.
How do you support?
  • Coaching 
  • Feedback
  • Co-design
  • Consults
  • PD sessions
How do I get started?You can email the Deeper Learning team or click on the button below to request support!

What resources do you use when supporting educators and schools?

The resources below are just a few examples of the tools that we use to support teachers with designing learner-centered experiences and environments. 

4P End-in-Mind Planning: we use our backwards design tool to collaborate and co-design learner-centered experiences in which learners initiate PURPOSE, learners drive PROCESS, and learners create PRODUCTS as the interests, passions, and Success Skills of the PERSON are developed through meaningful learning and purposeful work.

PBL Planning Calendar: we use resources such as our PBL calendar tool to support teachers with timelines and implementation. The calendar includes a helpful PBL checklist aligned with the 4P End-in-Mind Planning tool.