Welcome to EQHO GRM


Who is GRM?

GRM stands for Global Resource Management.

GRM team is the front line Department of the company who handles the recruitment, evaluation, communications and maintaining the relationship of the vendors who supports our corporate projects.

What is an Eqholyte?

An acolyte is an assistant, or follower of a celebrant.

We like to think better, that our resources are more of a partner than assistant.

So we created the term Eqholyte to remind our resources who their partner is, and to remind us, EQHO, who we are working with.

What can I expect from this site?

Ah, good question. Anything at all that can bolster our partnership!

We've put an initial number of tabs on top, but that can change depending on what you need or suggest.

We can even perhaps highlight an Eqholyte's work that gained client praise!


What's next?

Exciting days ahead! We are ramping and excited to share with you some new projects our team is working hard to get. All hands on deck and let's hit it out of the park!

What Eqholytes are saying:

"EQHO has nice PMs"

Jae W (Linguist)

"Nice team work"

Shawn X

"Cool studio, nice people, great location"
