Student Resources

Google Classroom

The google classroom learning platform is used by all subjects within the academy. Students can access classwork, homework, assignments etc online and ‘hand in’ work to their teacher.  Other useful teaching resources can also be accessed via the google classroom.

Sparx Maths

Every student in the academy has access to Sparx Maths.  This is a personalised maths homework program that is designed to boost student grades when used regularly.

Duolingo MFL

Duolingo is a virtual learning platform that offers students a range of activities and courses covering a number of languages.  Students at Unity can complete work online to help them with their understanding of French or Spanish.

Century Learning Platform

Century learning platform is an Intelligent personalisation online program that improves student engagement and understanding across a number of subjects.  Students at Unity can across a range of tasks and activities for English, Mathematics and Science.