

Allogroom (verb) a social behavior in which an individual cleans and maintains the appearance of another individual of the same species

Alloparent (verb) a social behavior in which an individual other than the biological parent of an offspring temporarily performs functions of a parent such as feeding, carrying or protecting the offspring

Altricial (adj.) being hatched or born or having young that are hatched or born in a near helpless condition and requiring care for some time

Aposematism (noun) a means by which an organism advertises its dangerous nature to a potential predator; while bright, contrasting colors are a common form of aposematism, some species may also use acoutsic warnings

Arid (adj.) excessively dry; specifically, having insufficient rainfall to support agriculture


Bioaccumulation (noun) the accumulation within living organisms and across the food web of toxic substances occurring in the environment

Bipedal (adj.) using only two legs for walking

Bog (noun) a type of freshwater wetland ecosystem of soft, spongy ground consisting mainly of partially decayed plant matter called peat; bog soils are oxygen- and nutrient-poor, and much more acidic than other soils

Brackish (adj.) somewhat salty; in the context of aquatic habitats, zones between freshwater and saltwater habitats


Canopy (noun) the uppermost spreading branchy layer of a forest

Carapace (noun) a bony case or shield covering the back or part of the back of an animal

Carnivore (noun) a primarily flesh-eating animal or an insectivorous plant

Carrion (noun) dead, decaying animal matter; a carcass

Cathemeral (adj.) neither nocturnal, nor diurnal, nor crepuscular, but irregularly active at any time of day or night

Conspecific (adj.) of the same species

Crepuscular (adj.) active during twilight (dawn and dusk)


Deciduous (adj.) falling off or shed seasonally or at a certain stage in development in the life cycle

Diurnal (adj.) active primarily in the daytime


Ectotherm (noun) an organism which regulates its body temperature using external sources

Endemic (adj.) restricted to a particular locality or region

Endotherm (noun) an organism which maintains a constant internal body temperature independent of external sources

Enrichment (noun) the dynamic process of enhancing animal environments within the context of the species's behavioral biology and natural history; includes activities, objects, foods, and experiences which encourage natural behaviors or responses

Ex situ (adj.) outside the natural or original place; in the context of conservation projects, those occurring outside a species's natural range, such as at a zoo or relocation site

Extant (adj.) still in existence; surviving


Fledge (verb) of a young bird, to develop wing feathers that are large enough for flight

Fledgling (noun) a young bird that has recently fledged

Folivore (noun) a primarily leaf-eating animal

Fossorial (adj.) adapted to digging

Frugivore (noun) a primarily fruit-eating animal


Gestation (noun) the process of carrying or being carried in the womb between conception and birth


Haplodiploidy (noun) a sex determination system in which males develop from unfertilized eggs and are haploid while females develop from fertilized eggs and are diploid

Herbivore (noun) a primarily plant-eating animal

Husbandry (noun) the scientific management of animal care


In situ (adj.) in the natural or original position or place; in the context of conservation projects, those occurring in a species's natural range

Incubation (noun) the act of keeping an organism in conditions favorable to growth and development, such as the act of warming eggs in order to hatch them

Insectivore (noun) a primarily insect-eating animal


Multiparous (adj.) of, relating to, or being a female that has produced more than one offspring


Neotropical (adj.) of, relating to, or constituting the tropical New World biogeographic region that extends south, east and west from the central plateau of Mexico

Nestling (noun) a bird that is too young to leave its nest

Nocturnal (adj.) active primarily at night

Nulliparous (adj.) of, relating to, or being a female that has not produced offspring


Omnivore (noun) an animal that eats both plant and animal matter

Osteoderm (noun) a bony plate in the skin

Oviparous (adj.) producing eggs that develop and hatch outside the maternal body

Ovoviviparous (adj.) producing eggs that develop within the maternal body and hatch within or immediately after release from the parent


Parturition (noun) the act or process of giving birth to offspring

Phylogeny (noun) the evolutionary history of a group of organisms, especially as depicted in a family tree

Plantigrade (adj.) walking on the whole sole of the foot, as in humans and bears

Plastron (noun) the ventral part of the shell of a tortoise or turtle, typically consisting of nine symmetrically placed bones

Polyphyodont (adj.) having several or many sets of teeth in succession

Precocial (adj.) capable of a high degree of independence from birth or hatching

Prehensile (adj.) adapted for seizing or grasping, especially by wrapping around

Primiparous (adj.) of, relating to, or being a female that has produced only one offspring or is bearing a first offspring


Quadrupedal (adj.) using all four feet for walking


Rainforest (noun) a woodland with an annual rainfall of at least 100 inches and typically marked by lofty, broad-leaved evergreen trees forming a continuous canopy

Rhizome (noun) a continuously growing horizontal underground stem


Savanna (noun) a tropical or subtropical grassland containing scattered trees and drought-resistant undergrowth

Scute (noun) an external bony plate or large scale

Sedge (noun) a grass-like plant widely distributed throughout temperate and cold regions

Sward (noun) an expanse of short grasses; a portion of ground covered with grass

Sympatric (adj.) occurring within the same geographical area; overlapping in distribution


Tapetum lucidum (noun) a reflective layer of skin in the eye, behind the retina, which increases the amount of light for improved vision in dark environments, present in many nocturnal vertebrates (and, when illuminated, causes the eye to shine in dark environments)

Taxonomy (noun) the science dealing with the description, identification, naming, and classification of organisms

Temperate (adj.) having a moderate climate which especially lacks extremes in temperature

Torpor (noun) a state of lowered body temperature and metabolic activity assumed in response to adverse environmental conditions; duration may vary in length from a few hours to several months

Training (noun) the act of teaching an animal a behavior that enables the animal to participate in its own care

Tropical (adj.) of, relating to, occurring in, or suitable for use in the tropics (regions between either of two corresponding parallels of terrestrial latitude on either side of the equator where the sun is directly overhead when it reaches its most northerly or southerly point in the sky)


Understory (noun) the vegetative layer between the forest canopy and the ground cover


Vestigial (adj.) remaining in a form that is small or imperfectly developed and not able to function; remaining as the last small part of something that existed before

Viviparous (adj.) producing living young instead of eggs from within the body in the manner of nearly all mammals, many reptiles and a few fishes


Zygodactyl (adj.) having two toes pointing forward and two toes pointing backward