
Introduction to Reptiles

New to the Zoo? Can't find a fact sheet for a particular species? Click the picture to the left for general information about the four classes of reptiles.

African slender-snouted crocodile

Aldabra giant tortoise

Alligator snapping turtle

Amazon tree boa

Banded rock rattlesnake

Boelen's python

Bog turtle

Burmese mountain tortoise

Burmese star tortoise

Caiman lizard

Cape cobra

Chinese mountain viper


Diamondback terrapin

Eastern box turtle

Eastern indigo snake

Emerald tree boa

Eyelash viper

Fiji banded iguana

Gaboon viper

Gila monster

Gopher tortoise

Green anaconda

Green basilisk

Guatemalan beaded lizard

Jamaican boa

Jamaican iguana

Komodo dragon

Louisiana pine snake

Mangrove snake

Mertens's water monitor

Mexican box turtle

Mole kingsnake

Pancake tortoise

Papuan (olive) python

Radiated tortoise

Reticulated python

Rosy boa

Timber rattlesnake

Timor python

Yellow-blotched map turtle