Keep the common species common

Even species with stable populations need protection and support to maintain that status.

What's the issue?

  • All species living within an ecosystem are interconnected and each plays an important role in maintaining balance. Herbivores regulate plant growth, help control invasive plants, and disperse seeds which grow into food for other animals and humans. Carnivores control herbivore populations which prevents over-grazing. Scavengers keep environments clean by consuming decomposing animal matter.

  • Protecting wildlife and their habitats is essential to preserving biodiversity and a healthy environment for us all. This includes human communities which rely on natural resources for food, shelter and income.

What is zoo Atlanta doing to help?

  • Zoo Atlanta houses many species with stable populations and educates the public on ways to help wildlife.

  • Zoo Atlanta’s Green Team works to continually improve sustainability initiatives which benefit all animals – humans and wildlife alike.

What can you do to help?

Adopting a more sustainable lifestyle helps all wildlife, including humans.

  • Help keep natural environments clean by properly disposing of waste. Compost or recycle if you can. Otherwise, make sure trash goes in the bin and not on the ground.

  • Help improve air quality by planting a garden and conserving fuel by carpooling, biking or taking public transit.

  • Keep yourself and wildlife safe by maintaining distance from any wildlife you encounter. Do not feed wildlife as it encourages animals to interact with humans, thus increasing the risk of zoonotic disease transmission.

Updated May 2020