West Elementary
2022-2023 Areas of Growth
Reading, Math, Attendance, etc.
Decrease In Truancy Due To...
Daily Secretary phone calls in English and Spanish
focused on identifying reasons for the absence
Weekly attendance collaboration between the office, social workers,
and administration to focus on problem-solving
Develop and implement tiered support for truant students
Maintain Attendance Rates Above 90% By...
Personal daily phone calls in English and Spanish to families from teachers (171 teacher phone calls made during March, April, and May)
Home visits from administrators, social workers,
and the school Resource Officers
Develop and implement tiered support for chronically absent studentsÂ
Status of 2022-2023 School Year School Improvement Plan Goals
Although we did not achieve the desired results for this year, our teachers have been working to align their instructional practices with each other to begin to see improvement in student performance in both reading and math.
West is focused and committed to the implementation of small group instruction in both reading and math to develop each student and their grow their individual learning
West achieved our goal relating to student attendance.
West has defined systems for intervening with our struggling students.
All students below 40%tile on NWEA/MAP receive dedicated, daily reading intervention.
Using the newly implemented resources for implementing an intervention with fidelity.
West leadership team developed and began to implement monitoring tools for School Improvement goals and actions.
Anticipated plans for increased student success for the 2023-2024 school year.
Continued monitoring of the academic intervention program to ensure fidelity
Adding a fourth academic interventionist
Adding an ILEmpower learning partner who has been identified during the 22-23 school year as the IRC to assist with the implementation of best practice teaching strategies and using formative assessments to drive instruction
New Teacher Mentoring program for year one and two teachers