The federal Every Student Succeeds Act [ESSA] requires each state, district, and school to consult with an array of stakeholders for solutions to support schools that serve struggling or high-need students.
Zion District 6 had established a Stakeholder Advisory Group [SAG] for the 2022-2023 school comprised of administrators, teachers, parents, and community members.
The contents posted herein include meeting presentations, participant feedback, and additional questions generated from the forum.
Please view feedback and take-aways curated during small group discussion during the January 30, 2023 Stakeholder Advisory Group meeting.
Illinois State Board of Education [ISBE] Resources

2022-2023 Year-End Summary
District and School informational Details from the 2022-2023 School Year
ZESD 6 Student Growth
Growth measures were calculated using NWEA/MAP reading and assessments from Fall 2022 to Spring 2023.
ZESD 6 analyzes student assessment data for instructional decision-making. Overall, typical or expected growth of student performance was achieved for both reading and math. The adjacent charts provide individual school measures used to calculate district performance.
In 2022-2023, an English/Language Arts [ELA] Committee and Grading Committee were established to review current instructional practices and processes to improve student achievement. Each committee included varied staff members to offer broad perspectives for developing effective solutions.
For the 2023-2024 school year, new ELA resources and instructional strategies will be adopted focusing on literacy skills. In tandem, grading practices and reporting will reflect student mastery of state standards and domains.
Percentage of student population
above 10% days absent and 20% days absent
ZESD 6 Chronic Absenteeism
ZESD 6 remains committed to supporting our students' academic progress as well as school attendance. In an effort to reduce student absenteeism rates, ZESD 6 has focused efforts this year to provide bus transportation for all students residing 3 or more blocks from school beginning the 2023-2024 school year.
Chronic absenteeism is defined as a student with absences greater than 10% of the current school year. A typical school year is 180 days; 10% absence rate equates to 18 school days. In relation, students who are absent 20 days a year miss up to 1 year of school instruction by graduation. Students who are absent 40 days a year miss up to 2 years of instruction by graduation.
Select the appropriate button to view additional school specific details and narratives.