Shiloh Park Middle School

Shiloh Park Middle School did not receive a tier designation for the 2022-2023 school year due to the school shifting from an elementary school to a middle school the year prior.

Therefore 2022-2023 focus areas were not identified. 

2022-2023 Goals

Student growth targets in both English Language Arts and Math. Shiloh Park Middle School (SPMS) students showed appropriate growth this year in both ELA and Math. The new targeted reading intervention helped lead to better growth in ELA than Math. SPMS met our goal in ELA this year, but did not meet our target goal in Math.

Focus Areas For School Improvment

Student Learning and Development

Delivery of Instruction

Specific Research-Based Instructional Strategies to be Used in all Classrooms


Educator and Employee Quality

Evaluation, Feedback, and Support

Culture & Climate

High Expectations For All

Focus on Attendance