IT Support

A small desk setup with a laptop computer in the middle

IT Software to support Accessibility

From mind mapping programmes to screen readers - the University has lots of IT resources available (free) for students to use.  Resources which you may find helpful for revision and beyond.

For more information about what is available and how to access it, visit the following wiki page: Accessible IT Software

Accessibility Notes for IT Support

If you have any accessibility requirements or are using assistive technology, you can confidentially inform IT Services of this to help ensure they offer you appropriate support whenever you contact them for help.  For example, if you are deaf, IT support will make sure to not try and contact you by phone if you contact them for help  Any information you provide is not shared beyond this system. 

Use the following link to find out more: Accessibility Notes for IT Support Information Page  

An open notepad with a pen lying across it.
Two heads talking, one has question marks floating out from their head and the other bright light bulbs

Contact Alice Bennet for a confidential chat about any IT Accessibility needs

Alice is the University lead on IT Accessibility and she is very happy to arrange a chat with anyone about accessibility options.  You do not need to have a formal diagnosis of a disability and/or a Student Support Plan to chat with Alice and she will only share anything you discuss with the department if you want her to.  Just send Alice an email to arrange a meeting:

Partnership with RNIB Bookshare

The University of York has partnered with RNIB bookshare to allow print disabled learners access to their repository of over a million digital format books.  If you are registered with Disability Services you can sign up for a University-based RNIB Bookshare account to access this digital library.  

Note: Due to copyright laws, only students registered with Disability Services can access this provision.  This service is also open to staff as well.

For more information about this service: RNIB Bookshare

For Information about what is provided through the University and how to sign up email the Psychology Department's Disability Champion: