Get to know the Psychology Staff

We know the lecturers can seem a bit intimidating... but we promise they are lovely and always happy to help!  To help you get to know some of them, check out the bios below of some of the staff that will be teaching you over the next year or two - maybe you share a hobby or experience you could chat with them about...

Beth Jefferies

Beth Jefferies


Brain & Behaviour Module in Years 1 (Dementia) & 2 (Neurobiology of Memory)

Research Interest

Memory, Semantic Cognition, Cognitive Control, Language problems following stroke.

Why do I love Psychology and the Research I do?

I am facinated by how the brain works! 

A fun fact about me

I have three pet guinea pigs 

One of my hobbies is

I love wildlife, especially butterflies and moths 

Stick figure to represent Hannah Hobson

Hannah Hobson


Brain & Behaviour - Clinical Neuroscience in Years 2 

Research Interest

Broadly autism, language disorder, and mental health - basically how language and communication affects socioemotional processes, from emotion recognition to accessing mental health support. 

Why do I love Psychology and the Research I do?

I really love research about autism and DLD (developmental language disorder): it’s really important to me in particular that we strive to do research on mental health and DLD, which has been historically neglected. Mental health research in the field of autism has really picked up in recent years and I hope the same will happen for DLD too! 

A fun fact about me

I have a Shetland Sheepdog called Griffin. 

One of my hobbies is

I like playing and running Call of Cthulhu RPGs (although I don’t get to do this as much now I’m a mum!) 

Tom Hartley

Tom Hartley


Teaches and co-directs the MSc Cogniitve Neurscience

Research Interest

Spatial cognition (how we find our way around, how we remember places, why we get lost), Alzheimer's Disease, Neural networks (how different types of information are represented in the brain). 

Why do I love Psychology and the Research I do?

Finding out new answers to unsolved mysteries about the mind and brain is an amazing feeling. 

A fun fact about me...

In 1989 I co-wrote and recorded the incidental music to "Manchester United: The Inside Story"  

One of my hobbies is...

My hobby is recording music and I have a home studio and a soundcloud.  

Fiona McNab

Fiona McNab


Year 1 Modules on Cognition & Memory

Research Interest

Working memory, Distraction, Ageing, Attention, Video games.

Why do I love Psychology and the Research I do?

I love thinking about new ways to solve problems and fill in gaps in our understanding. I get really excited about creative solutions that can help us answer questions that have practical implications for people's daily lives. 

A fun fact about me...

I used to play the trumpet in a band! 

One of my hobbies is...

I try to keep plants alive. I currently have an avocado and some lychee plants (planted from pips), but they don't have any fruit .... yet! 

Karisha Kimone George

Karisha Kimone George


Year 2 Mini Projects (Brain & Behaviour and Perception & Cognition)

Research Interest

I have several research interests. These include:

Why do I love Psychology and the Research I do?

I am passionate about creating safe spaces within universities. I define these as places where students feel 'seen' and so are free to achieve their fullest potential. Populations less likely to see university as a 'safe space' are those that are underrepresented such as ethnic minority students. Some reasons for this center around unconscious biases held by both majority groups and the minority groups themselves. These, and their complex impact, are what I am keen to explore. The negative connotations generally associated with these underrepresented groups extend to how criminals are treated and so my passion for this area within the forensic psychology field, is also linked to my desire to uncover and overcome unconscious biases. 

A fun fact about me...

One of my hobbies is...

I am a black belt in Shotokan karate 

Nick Barraclough

Nick Barraclough


Perception & Cognition in Year 2

Research Interest

Social perception, perception of actions 

Why do I love Psychology and the Research I do?

I get to paid to solve interesting problems and play with new toys.

A fun fact about me...

I've been struck by lighting.

One of my hobbies is...

I compete in polo tournaments at the weekend  

Katie Slocombe

Katie Slocombe


Applied Psychology in Year 1

Research Interest

Animal behaviour and the evolution of human language and cognition 

Why do I love Psychology and the Research I do?

Animals are fascinating and trying to understand how they think and communicate is a brilliant challenge! 

A fun fact about me...

One of my worst days of fieldwork in Uganda was when a chimp pooed on my head at 0800 and I stank until I got back to camp at 1700 for a shower and no one would sit near me at lunchtime! 

One of my hobbies is...

I love horseriding  

Sally Quinn

Sally Quinn


Social Psychology & Individual Differences across Years 1 & 2

Research Interest

Not research active but my interest is in improving the student experience.  

Why do I love Psychology and the Research I do?

I love the fact Psychology has such a range of topics within it and has different ways of investigating human behaviour. 

A fun fact about me...

When I was about 11 years old, I went against my parents' instructions and went with some friends to play near a tidal inlet near where we lived. The tide was out so we tried to walk across the mud flats that were there. However, I got stuck in the mud and ended up having to leave one of my wellies there. Needless to say, my parents' found out where I'd been because I had to explain my missing welly and rather muddy foot! 

One of my hobbies is...

I really love gardening and spend many hours from Spring through to Autumn in the garden. I grow lots of things from seed and have a fruit and vegetable part of my garden too!  

Sven Mattys

Sven Mattys


Year 1 Hearing and Language & Development

Research Interest

Psycholinguistics, speech, hearing.  

Why do I love Psychology and the Research I do?

I like how behavioural experiments can help us answer scientific questions of general interest, and especially how we can get to the causality of a phenomenon using ingenuous experimental designs. I also think the cochlea is a very cool organ. 

A fun fact about me...

I finally managed to grow garlic last summer! 

One of my hobbies is...

I like DIY (mostly wood work) and rowing. 

Gareth Gaskell

Gareth Gaskell


Sentences & Meaning

Research Interest

Language, sleep, memory.  

Why do I love Psychology and the Research I do?

Aside from finding out about new stuff (e.g., how the sleeping brain prepares us for the day ahead), I really love having brilliant and generous colleagues to work with. Collaboration is the best aspect of research. 

A fun fact about me...

I sing (fairly badly) in Heworth Community Choir. Come and join us: Heworth Community Choir Website 

One of my hobbies is...

Running, cycling, climbing and singing.  

Alex Reid

Alex Reid


Infancy (Y1), The Brain Mechanisms of Action and Decision (Y2), and also the Y1 SPID mini project. 

Research Interest

I spent a lot of time exploring the relationship between sleep and memory but have more recently pivoted into the role of 'Fake News' and it's impact on society (and what we can do about this).  

Why do I love Psychology and the Research I do?

The human mind is the most complicated thing known to itself which is an absolutely astonishing concept if you really think about it. Consequently, I find most things related to psychology naturally interesting - which is why I love this job. 

A fun fact about me...

Despite liking music I can't remember any song lyrics and I don't know why. I am a massive fan of sausage dogs but haven't brought my own yet due to a fear of becoming rapidly co-dependant. 

One of my hobbies is...

I make Lego dioramas and spend a lot of time adding lights to them, some are in my office...  

Catherine Preston

Catherine Preston


Yr 2 Brain & Behaviour

Research Interest

Body perception, embodiment, interoception, clinical psychology, neuroscience, pregnancy. 

Why do I love Psychology and the Research I do?

Every one has a body and most people take the experience of their body for granted. I am interested in how integral our bodily experience is to our sense of self and relates to our emotional and cognitive experience. 

A fun fact about me...

I was a bit of a goth at school and dyed my hair black until I was 29. 

One of my hobbies is...

I love music and used to play bass in a band (or several bands)  

Silvia Gennari

Silvia Gennari


Introduction to Language and within the Brain & Behaviour module.  

Research Interest

Language processing and learning, language, cognition and the brain.  

Why do I love Psychology and the Research I do?

I am passionate about understanding how linguistic and cognitive abilities shape our lives. 

A fun fact about me...

My teachers used to call me “little firework” (in Spanish) because I could not stay still and I was quick. I loved running school races.  

One of my hobbies is...

I practice shokatan karate and I play the piano.  

Elzabeth Meins

Elizabeth Meins


Development & Language Year 1

Research Interest

I'm a developmental psychologist and I do long-term longitudinal research involving children and families. I developed the construct of caregiver 'mind-mindedness'.  

Why do I love Psychology and the Research I do?

We've designed interventions that improve parenting and children's outcomes, and this work is hugely rewarding.  

A fun fact about me...

I'm the only child of two only children. Happily, I've stopped this weird pattern and have two children of my own. 

One of my hobbies is...

I could easily spend all of my time gardening. 

Amanda Hickey

Amanda (Mandy) Hickey


Year 1: Brain & Behaviour - Semantic Aphasia Practical & Developmental Disorders, Development & Language - Mini Projects

Year 2: Social Psychology & Individual Differences - Intelligence, Development & Language - Cognitive Development

Research Interest

Why do I love Psychology and the Research I do?

Psychology is so varied, there is always something new and interesting to learn about.  I also love trying to get to the bottom of how we work and the interaction between our brains with the world around us.  

A fun fact about me...

I love foxes, gnomes & mushrooms 🍄🦊!

One of my hobbies is...

I really enjoying playing Dungeons & Dragons and am currently role playing a half-elf cleric with no shadow.  

Chelsea Leadley

Chelsea Leadley


Year 1: Applying Psychology (Occupational Psychology)

Research Interest

Mental health and social media, online emotional disclosure 

Why do I love Psychology and the Research I do?

It's not a particularly exciting answer, but I really just find people interesting!  

A fun fact about me...

One of my hobbies is...

It's probably evident from the number of books I've just admitted to owning, but I'm a big reader! 

Paul Bishop

Paul Bishop


Yr 2 Research Methods and Attention in Year 2 Perception & Cognition

Research Interest

Teaching and Learning in Higher Education  

Why do I love Psychology and the Research I do?

I am not sure... 

A fun fact about me...

I was married in Texas. 

One of my hobbies is...

I enjoy cross stitching. 🪡

*Better photo pending...

Gavin Phillips

Gavin Phillips


Year 1: Social Psychology & Individual Differences, Mental Health Issues & Applying Psychology, Clinical Psychology

Research Interest

Drug Addiction, Mental Health Issues; Brain Reward Systems  

Why do I love Psychology and the Research I do?

Because it allows us to learn new things about ourselves never known before. 

A fun fact about me...

I love cats, and I love to share students' pet pictures at the start of ALL my lectures! Please send as many as you can right now, they're the best part of the lectures to be honest ;) 🐈

One of my hobbies is...

History, and spotting the 'rhyming' events and people's places within them.  I also learnt to play the piano during Covid and still plonk along badly to this day