VLE Workshop

Helen the Help Duck at the computer

VLE Workshop

Monday 9th October (Sem 1, Wk 3), 12-1pm, PS/A/203

We use the VLE for almost everything from sharing lecture materials to organising group work.  So we're organising a session to help you get familiar with our virtual learning environment.

Due to limited space you will need to sign up for this session (see below).  On the day - if there is space, you'll be welcome to join us if you haven't signed up, but priority will be given to those who have.  

How the Workshop will run

This is a relaxed session, with a quick intro and tour around key areas of the VLE.  Followed by time for you to have a play and navigate with the opportunity to ask questions

What you'll need

Sign up

Use the form below to sign up for this workshop.