About us 

Who are we?

Image of sunflower with a brain on it, with the caption "Psychology Disabled Students' Committee"

The psychology disability committee is a student-led group aiming to help disabled psychology students meet others and find their place in the department.  As well as providing support and understanding from other disabled students.

At the moment we have two main inititaives: 

You don't have to be a committee member to come along to any of our events.  However, if you'd like to be part of the team helping to bring these events to students or just want to be involved in making positive change within the department - then why not join us?

Read the "Want to join the committee?" section at the bottom of the page for more information. 

Who can join our events and committee?

In short - anyone!

While we are aimed at creating support and community for those with disabilities, many of our events and iniatives would help and be of interest to any student for many reasons.  So even if you don't identify as disabled, but you like the sound of one of our events or sessions, please come along :D  

What is considered a disability by the committee?

We know it can be difficult to understand what is covered by the term disability.  The committee works under a very flexible idea using the following principles:

Want to join the committee?

You don't have to be a member of the committee to join in with any of our events and sessions, but if you would like to become part of the team who helps to run and organise these events and intiatives - why not consider joining our committee?  Just complete the form below to register your interest in joining.

As there are limited places on the committee, as part of this form you're asked to add a few sentences (max. 100 words) explaining why you are interested in being part of this committee and what you think you can bring to this committee.  

If there are currently no spaces on the committee, we will keep a record of your interest and contact you when a space becomes available to see if you're still interested.