Addysg Gorfforol

Cyflwyniad Saesneg Add gorff.mp4

Crynodeb o'r cwrs

Uwch Gyfrannol

AG1 – Archwilio Perfformiad mewn Addysg Gorfforol

60% o’r wobr AS.  Testunau ar gyfer astudio yw:

Ffisioleg ymarfer (exercise), dadansoddi perfformiad ac ymarfer (training) 

Seicoleg chwaraeon 

Caffael sgiliau 

Chwaraeon a’r gymdeithas 

AG2 – Gwella perfformiad Addysg Gorfforol

40% o’r wobr AS

Rhaid i ymgeiswyr  perfformio a naill a’i dyfarnu neu arwain mewn un gweithgaredd ymarferol.

Proffil Perfformiad Personol

Rhaid i’r dadansoddi perfformiad personol fod o’r gweithgaredd ymarferol dewisol. Rhaid i gynnwys pwnc damcaniaethol priodol fod yn greiddiol iddo a rhaid iddo roi’r cyfle i ddysgwyr arddangos sgiliau meintiol.

Lefel A

AG3 – Gwerthuso addysg gorfforol

36% o’r wobr Lefel A.

Ffisioleg ymarfer, dadansoddi perfformiad ac ymarfer

Seicoleg chwaraeon

Caffael sgiliau

Chwaraeon a’r gymdeithas

AG4 – Mireinio Perfformiad mewn Addysg Gorfforol

24% o’r wobr Lefel A.

Cydran Ymarferol, disgwylir i ymgeiswyr naill ai perfformio, dyfarnu neu hyfforddi mewn un gweithgaredd ymarferol.

Gwaith Cwrs  - Ymchwiliad.

Bydd y cydrannau ymarferol yn cael eu hasesu’n fewnol ac yna eu cymedrololi’n allanol ar ddiwrnod cymedroli ymarferol.

Course Summary

Advanced Subsidiarity 

PE1 – Exploring Physical Education

60% of the AS award.  Topics to be studied include:

Exercise physiology, performance analysis and training 

Sport psychology 

Skill acquisition 

Sport and society 

PE2 – Improving Performance in Physical Activity.

40% of the AS award

Candidates must perform and either lead or officiate in one practical activity of their own choice.

Personal performance profile.

The personal performance analysis must be of the chosen practical activity. It must be underpinned by appropriate theoretical subject content and provide learners the opportunity to demonstrate quantitative skills


A level

PE3 – Evaluation physical education

36% of A level award.

Exercise physiology, analysis of performance and training

Psychology of sport

Skill acquisition

Sport in society

PE4 - Refining performance in Physical Education

24% of A level award.

Practical element, candidates will either perform, officiate, or coach in their chosen practical activity.

Coursework – Research project.

The practical elements will be assessed internally and moderated externally on a practical moderation day