Croeso i'r 6ed

Croeso cynnes iawn i Chweched Dosbarth, Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni.

Dyma'r unig ganolfan yn y Sir ble cewch barhau eich addysg ôl 16 drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.

Yma, cewch y wybodaeth angenrheidiol ar yr amrywiaeth o gyrsiau Safon A a BTEC sydd ar gynnig yma. Mae pob adran yn cyflwyno eu cyrsiau ar ffurf linc fidio. Cewch hefyd wybodaeth yn ysgrifenedig ar gynnwys pob cwrs ynghyd a'r cynllun asesu.

Cyn dechrau, gwyliwch fy nghyflwyniad i ar sut i wneud dewisiadau doeth a chael esboniad llawn o'r broses. Mi fydd angen lleiafswm o 5 A* - C arnoch i fedru dechrau ar gyrsiau Safon A, Lefel 3, Diploma neu BTEC Lefel 3.

Edrychaf ymlaen yn fawr at eich croesawu i gymuned agos Chweched Dosbarth Cwm Rhymni ble y cewch eich magu a'ch harwain bob cam o'r ffordd gan dim profiadol iawn CA5.

Cofion Cynhesaf,

Mrs Skevington (Pennaeth y Chweched Dosbarth)

A very warm welcome to the Sixth Form at Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni.

This is the only centre in the County where you are able to continue your education post 16 through the medium of Welsh.

Here you will find all the information you will need on a wide range of A level and BTEC courses that we offer. Each department have a presentation on the course content via a video link. You will also find written information on the course content and the assessment criteria. 

Before you begin, listen to my presentation on how to make wise and informed choices and a full explanation of the process. You will need a minimum of 5 GCSE grades A* - C in order to study A level, Level 3, Diploma or BTEC Level 3 courses.

I very much look forward to welcoming you into the close knit community of Cwm Rhymni's Sixth Form where you will be nurtured and guided every step of the way by a very experienced KS5 team.

Best Wishes,

Mrs Skevington (Head of Sixth Form)

DEWIS DOETH / Top tips




Paratoi i'r Dyfodol / Preparing for the Future

Mae paratoi’n drylwyr i’r dyfodol, naill ai i gyflogaeth, hyfforddiant neu Addysg Uwch yn rhan hanfodol o gyfrifoldeb canolfan Gwenallt i’w myfyrwyr. Mae hyn yn cynnwys:

Thorough preparation for the future, whether it be in employment, training or Higher Education, is an essential part of Canolfan Gwenallt’s responsibility to its students. This includes:

Rhwydwaith Seren / Seren Network

Crëwyd y Rhwydwaith Seren gan Lywodraeth Cymru i gefnogi myfyrwyr mwyaf disglair Cymru i gyflawni eu potensial academaidd. Gan gynnig amrywiaeth o weithgareddau academaidd, bydd y Rhwydwaith Seren yn rhoi gwybodaeth, profiad a chefnogaeth i helpu myfyrwyr gyflwyno ceisiadau llwyddiannus i'n prifysgolion gorau.

Bydd athrawon o ysgolion a cholegau yr ardal yn cydweithio i gyflwyno rhaglen gydlynol o weithgareddau i fyfyrwyr ein ysgol a myfyrwyr lleol eraill. Bwriad y rhain yw ymestyn a herio y tu hwnt i'r cwricwlwm safon uwch, a rhoi cyfle i wella gwybodaeth pynciol gyda grŵp cyfoedion o fyfyrwyr eraill. Bydd staff o brifysgolion blaenllaw'r DU, gan gynnwys Rhydychen a Chaergrawnt, yn sicrhau fod myfyrwyr yn cael y wybodaeth, cyngor a'r gefnogaeth ddiweddaraf wrth wneud penderfyniadau am brifysgolion a chyrsiau.

The Seren Network was created by the Welsh Government to support Wales' brightest students in achieving their academic potential. Offering a variety of academic activities, the Seren Network will provide knowledge, experience and support to help students make successful applications to our top universities.

Teachers from schools and colleges in the area will work together to deliver a coherent program of activities for our pupils and other local high achievers. These are intended to extend and challenge beyond the A-level curriculum, and give opportunities to improve subject knowledge with a peer group of other students. Staff from leading UK universities, including Oxford and Cambridge, will ensure that students have the latest information, advice and support when making university and course decisions.