Pontio Blwyddyn 11

Croeso cynnes iawn i Chweched Dosbarth, Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni.

Dyma'r unig ganolfan yn y Sir ble cewch barhau eich haddysg ol 16 drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.

Yma, cewch y wybodaeth angenrheidiol ar yr amrywiaeth o gyrsiau Safon A a BTEC sydd ar gynnig yma. Mae pob adran yn cyflwyno eu cyrsiau ar ffurf linc fidio. Cewch hefyd wybodaeth yn ysgrifenedig ar gynnwys pob cwrs ynghyd a'r cynllun asesu.

Cyn dechrau, gwyliwch fy nghyflwyniad i ar sut i wneud dewisiadau doeth a chael esboniad llawn o'r broses. Mi fydd angen lleiafswm o 5 A* - C arnoch i fedru dechrau ar gyrsiau Safon A, Lefel 3, Diploma neu BTEC Lefel 3.

Edrychaf ymlaen yn fawr at eich croesawu i gymuned agos Chweched Dosbarth Cwm Rhymni ble y cewch eich magu a'ch harwain bob cam o'r ffordd gan dim profiadol iawn CA5.

Cofion Cynhesaf,

Mrs Skevington (Pennaeth y Chweched Dosbarth)

A very warm welcome to the Sixth Form at Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni.

This is the only centre in the County where you are able to continue your education post 16 through the medium of Welsh.

Here you will find all the information you will need on a wide range of A level and BTEC courses that we offer. Each department have a presentation on the course content via a video link. You will also find written information on the course content and the assessment criteria. 

Before you begin, listen to my presentation on how to make wise and informed choices and a full explanation of the process. You will need a minimum of 5 GCSE grades A* - C in order to study A level, Level 3, Diploma or BTEC Level 3 courses.

I very much look forward to welcoming you into the close knit community of Cwm Rhymni's Sixth Form where you will be nurtured and guided every step of the way by a very experienced KS5 team.

Best Wishes,

Mrs Skevington (Head of Sixth Form)

DEWIS DOETH / Top tips

Ebostiwch: Blwyddyn12@ygcwmrhymni.net

Email: Blwyddyn12@ygcwmrhymni.net

diwrnod yn y 6ed /  a day in the 6th form - 20/11/2024

Diwrnod Blas a Phontio’r Chweched

Eleni, unwaith eto byddwn yn cynnig ‘Diwrnod Blas a Phontio’r Chweched’ i roi cyfle i’n disgyblion Blwyddyn 11 sydd yn ystyried ei llwybr Ôl 16 gael blas ar yr hyn sydd ar gael iddyn nhw yn Chweched Dosbarth Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni.

Gwahoddir disgyblion o’r ddau safle i ymuno mewn cyfres o wersi blas ar ddydd Mercher, Tachwedd yr 20fed

Byddwn yn darparu bysiau i ddod â disgyblion safle’r Gwyndy i Gellihaf lle cânt ddiwrnod yn efelychu diwrnod arferol yn y Chweched Dosbarth. Byddan nhw’n mynychu gwersi o’u dewis ac yn treulio rhywfaint o amser yn lolfeydd y chweched ynghyd a phrofi rhai o freintiau eraill disgyblion y Chweched Dosbarth.

Llynedd roedd yr adborth i’r diwrnod yma yn gadarnhaol tu hwnt. Byddwn yn rhannu holiadur gyda’r disgyblion cyn hanner tymor yn gofyn iddynt ddewis pynciau fydden nhw’n dymuno cael blas arnynt.

Sixth Form Taster and Transition Day

Again this year we will be offering a Taster and Transition to the Sixth Day to give our Year 11 pupils considering their Post 16 route, a chance to get a taste of what is available to them at the Sixth Form at Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni.

Pupils from both sites are invited to join in a series of taster lessons on Wednesday, November 20th.

We will provide buses to bring pupils from the Gwyndy site to Gellihaf where they will have a day simulating a normal day in the Sixth Form. They will attend lessons of their choice and spend some time in the sixth form lounges as well as experience some of the other privileges of our Sixth Form pupils.

Last year the feedback to this day was extremely positive. We will share a questionnaire with the pupils before half term asking them to choose subjects Sixth Form Taste and Transition Day and Meet the Department Evening.

Noson Cwrdd â’r Adrannau

Yn dilyn y Diwrnod Blas a Phontio hoffwn estyn gwahoddiad i chi fel rhieni a gwarcheidwaid i ymuno a ni rhwng 4pm a 6pm ar yr un dyddiad am gyfle i ymweld â’r adrannau am drosolwg a chrynodeb o gynnwys y cyrsiau a’r hyn a ddisgwylir er mwyn cael mynediad i’r cyrsiau hynny.

Edrychwn ymlaen yn fawr at gael croesawu ein darpar aelodau Chweched Dosbarth a’u rhieni bryd hynny.

Cofion Cynnes,

Mrs Skevington a Thim Y Chweched Dosbarth

Meet the Departments Evening

Following the Taster and Transition Day we would like to extend an invitation to you as parents and guardians to join us between 4pm and 6pm on the same date for an opportunity to visit the departments for an overview and summary of the course content and what is expected in order to gain access to those courses.

We really look forward to welcoming our prospective Sixth Form members and their parents during this day/evening.

Kind Regards,

Mrs Skevington and the Sixth Form Team

Holiadur Diwrnod yn y Chweched

Plîs cwblhewch yr holiadur yma CGaPh.

Diolch yn fawr.


Mathemateg Bellach


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