ELO - Hannah Emma.mp4

Emma Moll / Hannah Swift, Juniors

Vermicomposting at Yarmouth Elementary School

This spring, we have been working to set up vermicomposting (worm composting) bins in each second grade classroom at Yarmouth Elementary School. This involved writing a YEF Grant, which was approved!

ELO-Davis Emerson.mp4

Davis Young / Emerson Pardales, Juniors

Digital Music Production 

working on sampling, mixing, composition and arrangement via the digital audio workstation Logic Pro X

ELO Davis Emerson.mp4

Laney McDonough, Sophomore

Exploring Songwriting and Recording at Home

I've always wanted to write my own song, and I recently became interested in recording with the tools that can be found on my laptop. My project was very exploratory because songwriting was such a new skill to learn

ELO - Parker.mp4

Parker Harnett, Junior

How to Help in Maine App

The purpose of my ELO was to learn how to code using the language of Swift in Xcode. I set out to develop an app that made the website howtohelpinmaine.org more mobile friendly and then submit my app to Tyler Technologies Maine App Challenge.

ELO - Celina.mp4

Celina Belleville, Sophomore

Extending the Vex Robotics Program in Yarmouth Schools

This past semester I have worked to incorporate Vex robotics programs into the Elementary school as well as helping plan a summer camp designed for Elementary school students.


Emi Schneider, Senior

Outdoor discovery and education program

“I am passionate about the environment and how positively it can affect a person's wellbeing. The idea is to plan a trip/outdoor excursion, potentially for the junior class in the spring. This trip would be centered around time outside, learning about the environment, bonding as a class, and having fun. Our hope is that this trip will help students of the junior class to bond and feel more psychologically prepared to enter senior year and feel more centered in embarking on the next part of their lives.”


Avery May, Senior

Toxins in the Beauty Industry

“I wanted to gain a deeper understanding of the regulation and restrictions in the beauty industry. Harmful diseases are on the rise, and we all deserve to know what we are using on our bodies to ensure our safety and health.”


Brienne Kelley, Senior

"Overripe" a Poetry Book

“I am writing an online poetry book for my ELO! It is called Overripe. It includes small illustrations by my friend Ella Buchanan and all the poems were written over the course of 2.5 years!”

Elo Kate.mp4

Kate Siegel, Junior

A Study into Bioethics

“I studied the intersection between religion, culture, and medicine. And, the ethical issues that arise in medicine when the patients are from many different backgrounds.”

ELO Presentation Program June 2020