Lindsey Smith.mp4

Lindsey Smith, Senior

Learning more about composting, getting the student body excited about composting, and working with Ecomaine/Garbage to Garden to bring composting to every hallway/maybe even every classroom, and then creating a club to take care of the custodial side of cleaning the compost daily/every few days.

“It benefits the environment and will create a greener society at Yarmouth. I want my school to be more sustainable and I would love to be the voice that brings attention to this subject.”
Maddy Carson.mp4

Maddy Corson, Sophomore

Exploring mood through the natural landscape using oil paints.

“I have been painting in a formal setting for about two years, but have only practiced oils for about 18 months. I’d love to explore both my favored medium, oils, while also investigating the ways through which an artist can provoke thoughts and feelings through their work. I find it interesting how our sight is connected to our emotions through our brains, and appreciate the opportunity to learn through self-guided research and experience with the help of a professional.”
Ellie Ralph.mp4

Ellie Ralph, Senior

Voting & the power of one vote.

“I am interested in this topic because I have become a lot more interested lately in politics and voting. Since becoming involved in politics, I have become curious as to how important every single vote is in specific elections. Is it worth the 15-minute drive to the polls for us to cast a vote? Is it worth it if we have to wait in a line for hours or drive long distances to have our word put in? I would love to learn more about how voting varies across the United States and if one vote truly makes a difference today. “
Emi Schneider.mp4

Emi Schneider, Senior

Outdoor Discovery/Education Program.

I am passionate about the environment and how positively it can affect a person's wellbeing. The idea is to plan a trip/outdoor excursion, potentially for the junior class in the spring. This trip would be centered around time outside, learning about the environment, bonding as a class, and having fun. Our hope is that this trip will help students of the junior class to bond and feel more psychologically prepared to enter senior year and feel more centered in embarking on the next part of their lives.”
Emily Corson.mp4

Emily Corson, Senior

Learning Swedish and about Swedish culture.

“My grandmother is Swedish and I'd like to learn more about that side of my family and be able to talk to her and my relatives in Sweden in Swedish.”
Mary Psyhogeos - Soleil Fournier.mp4

Mary Psyhogeos/Soleil Fournier, Juniors

A school newspaper that will give students the opportunity to write articles and to highlight anything interesting in our school (sports games, Playmakers, etc. interviews of interesting kids/faculties).

“We plan to talk with YAWP/our journalism elective, to recruit kids to write and appeal to the student body for interest and an audience.”
ELO Winter 2020 Final

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