GB1: A stable careers programme

Start is a comprehensive digital platform, offering each student a single starting point to help simplify and improve our careers guidance within XPG.  By logging in, each of our learners can use Start’s structured and progressive activities, to help each them to make informed decisions about their future study and career options. 

Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) is an essential part of the support we offer to learners at XP Secondary Schools. Effective careers support can help to prepare young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in the world; it can help them to make decisions and manage transitions as learners and workers. As options for young people become more varied and complex, it is vital that we support them to develop the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions for their future. As a result, the careers programme has a whole-school remit designed to complement the rest of the school curriculum.

S31. Careers Policy XP Trust