
Last updated6th June 2022

Whenever you make a decision about your future, you need to do your research.

If you are looking for work, you research the company to find out things like

  • how big is the company?

  • what do they make or supply?

  • where are they based?

  • what is their reputation?

  • are they there long-term?

Then, you research the job itself

  • What hours you will work?

  • Where will you be based?

  • How much you will earn?

  • How much holiday can you take?

  • What other benefits do they offer, like travel, health care, pensions?

Having all this information allows you to decide if this is a job you would like to apply for.

The same applies at the start of your career, when planning to go to college for year 12 or start an apprenticeship.

Do your research!

Your action plan is a great resource. It includes information about your chosen career path and hints to get your research starter.

Here's a short video reminding you how you can use it.

How far have you got with your thinking?

You could try an aptitude test like the Buzz Quiz or the tests on the National Careers Service website

Look at our pages on Vocational Colleges and Sixth Form Colleges

Look at our page on how to research a specific job