Help to settle at college

Last updated 7th September 2021

We all need help at times. It can feel tricky if you don't know who to ask for help, especially when you are worried or anxious.

Don't worry!

There is always help available to you.

You just have to ask.

What help is available?

Colleges are used to providing help and support for a wide variety of reasons.

  • problems managing workload

  • wanting to change course

  • housing

  • money

  • managing your stress and mental health

  • health advice

  • childcare (for young parents)

  • benefits, especially for care leavers and young parents

No matter which college or training provider you decide on, they all have staff there to support you. The difference between school and college is that at college you are an adult. If you want help you need to ask for it.

Look on the college website to find out who to talk to or ask at college reception if you don't know. You can go and talk to a councellor, student support or learning mentor, depending on what your needs are. Or, if you would prefer, talk to a tutor you already know and like.

What does school do to help?

To help your transfer to your new college go smoothly, we share information with them. This could include information like

  • access arrangements for exams

  • any learning needs

  • whether we feel you need a Transition Mentor.

A Transition Mentor is a member of staff allocated to support you during your first few weeks at college. The idea is that they are a friendly face you can go to with any queries. The Transition Mentor scheme is operated by all Darlington schools and colleges.

Financial support

Free school meals

Your entitlement to free school meals will continue while you are at college. Make sure that you complete the forms when you register at college in August/September. You may need to provide proof of entitlement, the same as you did at Wyvern.

If your circumstances change during your college course and your family income decreases, ask at college whether you now qualify for free school meals.


Many colleges offer one off grants (called a bursary) for students from homes with low income. Ask at College Student Support or Reception if you think you may qualify.

Travel schemes

Colleges outside Darlington often provide help with travel costs. At many college your ID badge will allow free bus travel - check the college website for details.

Students at the UTC have to pay to travel on the college buses but may receive a means tested grant of up to £1000 that can be used towards these costs.

If you think you have made the wrong decision you can usually change courses in the first few weeks.

Talk to someone at college as soon as possible.

If you need to talk through your decision contact Mrs Gibbins at Wyvern Academy.