Staff training and support

Last updated: 10th June 2022

Below there are a variety of materials to support staff to deliver the Careers programme at Wyvern.

  1. Our Careers offer

Our trifold offer through PSHCE lessons, Vision and Values programme and specialist support

2. Careers across the curriculum

Get started in delivering Careers across the curriculum using readily available resources from the Staff shared area R:\Careers\Careers across the curriculum .

3. Gatsby benchmarks

What they are and why they matter

4. What is Grofar?

Introducing Grofar.

What is it and why it is important that we use it and encourage students to use it as well.

5. Resetting student passwords on Grofar

A walk through that explains

- how to reset pupil passwords

1. Resetting student passwords.pdf

6. Setting up new students on Grofar

A walk through that explains

  • what to do when you have a new student

2. Setting up new students.pdf

7. Add activities to a group of students on Grofar

A walk through that explains

  • how to add an activity to a group of students on Grofar

3. Add an activity for a group of students.pdf

8. Add an activity to an individual student on Grofar

A walk through that explains

  • how to add an activity to a single student on Grofar

4. Add an activity for a single student.pdf

9. View activity for a group of students on Grofar

A walk through that explains

  • how to see activity for groups of students on Grofar

5. View student records - groups.pdf

10. View activity for individual pupils on Grofar

A walk through that explains

- how to see activity for an individual on Grofar

6. View student records - individuals.pdf

11. T levels and the NQF

An introduction to the National Qualifications Framework and the new T levels

12. Useful websites

National Careers Service

Great for factual, accurate information about jobs, useful skills and the qualifications needed.

National Apprenticeship Website

The best place to start to search for Apprenticeships

Tees Valley

Local information and resources to help us delver our careers programme