
This News section is updated periodically.  Please check its contents often for the latest news, update tutorials, and other information related to the WDE grants and the GMS support system. 

(Last update 05/10/2024)

Important Deadlines

From time to time, the WDE makes updates regarding policies and procedures due to changes at the Federal and/or State level. These updates might include changes in current due dates. 

Note: The deadline for final Cash Request submission is 12/15/2024. The final 9/30/2024 PER is due by 12/20/2024, after all funds have been drawn and reconciled. These are firm deadlines.

Joint U.S. Department of Education and U.S. Department of Labor guidance on Davis-Bacon Act Provisions

On April 26, 2023, the U.S. Department of Education, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Labor, conducted a webinar on the Davis-Bacon Act provisions as applied to the use of the ESSER Funds. For more information, templates, and links to the webinar recording, please visit Complying with Davis-Bacon Act section located on this website under the ESSER Funds General Guidance tab.