May 14 - 15, 2024 eGMS Training for the LEAs

During the 2024 STAR event in Cody, LINQ representatives conducted two training sessions on the fiscal aspects of the new eGMS. The trainings were recorded and uploaded below, along with the accompanying slides. 

Day One Slides

WDE LEA Training Day 1.pptx

Day One Recording

STAR Conference - Day 1 Recording

Day Two Slides

WDE LEA Training Day 2.pptx

Day Two Recording

STAR Conference - Day 2 Recording

April 16th, 2024 eGMS Training for the LEAs

In April of 2024, EMS LINQ representatives visited Cheyenne to provide general training for all LEA users. The online training was recorded and uploaded below, along with the accompanying slides. 

LEA eGMS LINQ Training slides 4-16-24.pptx

General Training Slides

LEA eGMS LINQ training recording 4.16.24.mp4

General Training Recording

LINQ representatives are expected to participate in the upcoming 2024 STAR event in Cody to offer two additional training sessions on the topics that were not covered during the April 16th training. WDE and LINQ Program Managers will be available to answer participants' questions during the office hours after the training.

The LINQ 2024 STAR presentation will cover fiscal aspects of the new eGMS; it will be recorded and made available on this site. We will make every attempt to compile office hour questions and answers into a formal Q&A document and, if successful, will post it here.

November 2nd, 2023 Introduction to the eGMS

LINQ eGMS: November 2, 2023

Presentation Slides


Presentation Recording