ARP ESSER Grants Closeout

Updated 5/31/2024

The ARP ESSER Grants close out on September 30th, 2024. The WDE has created a timeline reference and a checklist in preparation to help districts fully utilize and smoothly transition from these funding sources addressing the COVID-19 pandemic impact. Please use these documents as a resource as you work through ARP ESSER funds throughout the year. 

Closeout Checklist

ESSER Closeout Checklist 6.17.24.pdf

Closeout Timeline

Closing Out ARP ESSER 2024 Timeline.pdf

The WDE is also providing a list of resources (see Resources subtab on your left) to help districts utilize their remaining funds appropriately, as there is a high likelihood of future auditing due to the nature of these grants which require the management of a larger than average amount of funds. 

As always, please do not hesitate to contact the WDE ARP ESSER Grant Managers, as we are here to help facilitate the successful use and closeout of these funds. Our virtual office hours are every Tuesday from 10am - 11am and every Friday 2pm - 3pm