Maintenance of Equity Requirements

The Department has made two updates to the Maintenance of Equity (MOEquity) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document. 

Update 1: Question 17 (a) – Use of Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) and Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) in MOEquity determinations

This update clarifies that CRF or SLFRF may be considered as State support for education for the purposes of Maintenance of Equity, consistent with the determination already published in the Maintenance of Effort FAQs.

Update 2: Question 30 – Calculating LEA-Level Fiscal Equity

This update provides clarity and additional flexibility for local educational agencies (LEAs) making determinations about whether staffing equity was maintained in high-poverty schools by allowing LEAs to choose from the following four methods: (1) a districtwide staff per student basis, (2) a grade span staff per student basis, (3) a districtwide student per staff basis, or (4) a grade span student per staff basis.

The Department has also clarified rounding procedures for each type of calculation to ensure consistency across submissions. To further support States, the Office of State and Grantee Relations has developed an optional template (see below) to assist in the submission of staffing equity data.


MOEquity FAQs Update Letter from USED

Updated ARP ESSER Program FAQs (01/23/2023)


USDE Template:  LEA MOEquity Reporting Form

USDE Exception request.pdf

 USDE Template:  LEA Request for MOEquity Exemption Form