eGMS News and Updates

Last updated: 05/23/2024

The new Educational Grants Management System (eGMS) is officially up and running.  All questions regarding eGMS must be submitted via Feedback Form: go to Contact WDE menu option on the left hand side, fill out the form and submit it to the WDE. You do not have to be a current user (have a login and password) in order to use it.  

Sending your question via Feedback Form will help ensure that it will be handled as soon as possible by the best available team member for the specific issue. Please do not email directly to the eGMS Program Manager; your email will go to the back of the queue and will not be addressed as quickly as the inquiries submitted via Feedback Form.

Please contact individual program managers with questions specific to their grant applications. They were the ones who designed those applications and were also involved in the implementation process from the very beginning, thus, they are best equipped to assist you with the specifics of their grants.

NOTE: All grants that were initiated in prior years and will continue into FY 2025 are expected to be transferred into the new system by mid-July. All grants expiring in December 2024 will retire along with the old GMS at the end of this year. They will remain available for future reference and for audit purposes in a read-only format.