Mrs. Danielle Allen

Teacher of English

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Contact Mrs. Allen

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If you are interested in advertising on The Declaration Newspaper, please email me at the above address. 


The Declaration Newspaper is honored to be named a Site of Distinction by SNO (School Newspaper Online) for five years. Since 2015, Colonia High’s Declaration is the ONLY high school paper in New Jersey to be deemed a Distinguished Site by SNO. Colonia High School’s Declaration staff is an assemblage of enthusiastic and curious students dedicated to finding the facts, arguing a position, or simply investigating something fun. Some writers are enrolled in Mrs. Allen’s Journalism 1, 2 and 3 classes while others pursue journalistic endeavors as an extracurricular activity. Every area of interest—politics, sports, movies, pop culture, fashion—is covered by the staff, as are school issues, social discussions, and daily polls. By upgrading to an online newspaper years ago, The Declaration is able to publish continually and keep readers up-to-date. Whether one just wishes to catch up on current events, explore CHS’s current activities and events, or read an entertaining feature or editorial, The Declaration is the place to look, or click.  

If you are interested in advertising with The Declaration Newspaper, please email Mrs. Allen at There is available ad space at the top, bottom and side of the homepage and next to articles for reasonable prices. Ad space availability is on a "first come, first serve" basis.

Equipment Donations

Since we building our Broadcast Journalism course from scratch, we are in need of new or used equipment. If you would like to donate equipment or help fund the purchasing of new equipment, please contact Mrs. Danielle Allen at Woodbridge Township BOE kindly purchased the basic filming and recording equipment we currently have. But as we build this program, we will need to invest is more equipment. This will require our reporters to fundraise and report the news. Equipment and monetary donations will be recognized on our website either with an article or ad. Please consider helping our program.

Guest Speakers

Mrs. Allen is always looking to give her students real life experiences and to prepare students looking to go into Journalism as a career. If you are a journalist, field reporter, news anchor, journalism professor, editor, magazine writer, or an other professional related to news and you would like to potentially speak to The Declaration staff, please reach out to Danielle Allen at

Allen's Fall Schedule

Class Schedule:

Block 1 (A/B) - Journalism 1, 2, 3 - 7:50AM- 9:20AM

Block 2 - English 2S - 9:25AM - 10:53AM

Block 3 - Professional

Block 4 - English 1R - 1:00PM- 2:30PM

Office Hours: Friday after school by appointment

Plagiarism Policy

ALL videos, pictures, music, scripts, characters and ideas are expected to be that of the student. Copyright infringement will not be tolerated and will result in a zero on the assignment with no chance to make up the assignment. All work is expected to be the work of the original work of the student. All music and pictures must be labeled for reuse. Students caught plagiarizing will have a meeting with Guidance, Administration and parents.