Broadcast Journalism (J3)

About Journalism 3

Journalism 3 or Broadcast Journalism students occasionally write for the paper but mainly oversee all of the staffers. When they are not recording podcast, filming videos or editing videos, they are editing articles on The Declaration Newspaper. These students maintain our YouTube channel. 

Journalism 3 students also intern at the Woodbridge Channel 35 TV station. They collaborate with students from Woodbridge High School to film episodes of The Bridge, a TV show highlighting accomplishments throughout the Woodbridge Township School District. Students have hands on training on how to operate the camera, teleprompter, sound board, lighting board, headsets. They learn directing techniques, camera angles, transitions, hosting, and script writing.

Class codes: 

J3 FY - xcvwycn 

Projects & Skills



Copyright Law Presentation
Headline Writing
Copy of Filming an Interview Presentation
Slideshow: manipulated photos
iPhone Photo Editing Presentation
Identifying Sources
Non-Quote Attribution/Citing Information Presentation
How to Condense Writing Presentation
Libel Law Presentation
Slideshow: photo-powerful
Copy of Types of Journalistic Stories
Photo Usage Rights Presentation
Active vs. Passive Voice
Copy of Quotes Presentation
Lead Writing
Photo Cropping Presentation
Writing Captions and Cutlines Presentation
Active vs. Passive Voice
Photography Exposure Presentation
Constructing Multishot Sequences Presentation
Planning Your Podcast Presentation
Capturing Sound for Video Presentation
Video Pre-Production Planning Presentation
Vocal Tips for Podcasters Presentation
Writing for Video Presentation
Photography Lighting Presentation
Editing With Adobe Audition Presentation
J-Cuts and L-Cuts Presentation