Q: How will I know if the athlete made the team?
A: Students will be notified the evening after tryouts. It will be based on eligibility, attitude, and athletic talent.
Q: What are the practice times?
A: Practices are held each school day from 2:45-4:45 PM.
Q:What days are practices held?
A: Practices are held each day that school is in session. No weekends or school breaks.
Q: What time are practices on early out days?
A: 2:45-4:45
Q: Can I watch the team practice?
A: All practices and camps will be closed to the public to ensure the safety and integrity of the team.
Q: When are the athlete's paperwork and fees due?
A: TBD. Athletes are not able to participate in any game until all paperwork, physical, and fees are submitted.
Q: Where are practices held?
A: Practices are held at Roy Jr High.
Q: Can I take my athlete home early from games?
A: Part of team unity is built on the bus rides to and from games. Therefore, unless it is an emergency or pre-arrangements have been made, it is preferred that athletes ride on the bus.
Q: Which athletes will be able to play in the games?
A: Athletes who have turned in all their paperwork, physicals, fees and have earned a spot on the team. However, not all athletes will have a starting position. Coaches will place athletes according to ability, work ethic, and where they will give the team the best chance to win.
Q: Where can I see the results of the games?
A: Scores can be accessed on the Weber School District Athletics page.
Q: How does my athlete watch game film?
A: If there is game film, it will be posted on Google Classroom.