Haltwhistle Academy Newsletter
Illuminated Sheep Art Trail
We have been invited by Haltwhistle Chamber of Trade to create a display for the Illuminated Sheep Art Trail which will be displayed in Haltwhistle from the end of October to December. The trail will be at sites across Northumberland, and families are invited to visit the sheep in their different destinations. There will be a 'flock' event at Vindolanda, after which, our nursery class will be dressing our sheep ready for a chilly Autumnal season ahead. Our sheep will then be displayed proudly in Armstrongs Carpet window so the whole community can enjoy her.
Tues 4 - Mon 10 Oct: Flock at Vindolanda (Illuminated on Fri, Sat and Sun nights)
*We are looking for children's knitted gloves for this project. If you have any odd or outgrown gloves you could donate, please pass them to Mrs Morris, Mrs Marchbank or Mrs Phillips.
Year 5 began their STEM to STARS project alongside Adam from Kielder observatory. The light refracting glasses used in this session caused much amusement!
Harvest Festival thankyou
Thank you all who made a donation to our Harvest Festival. As part of our celebration Mr Williamson brought a pizza into school! We worked out how far all the ingredients had travelled and felt very thankful that we could have access to all these ingredients. Each class also celebrated by sharing a poem or song.
Our thanks to Mr Williamson for joining us.
Leadership of behaviour
In assembly this week, we learnt how we could all be behaviour leaders, learning to control our own emotions and supporting our friends when they need help. We practiced
recognising our emotions,
thinking about the best ways to help a friend who might experience these emotions,
our favourite calming down techniques
we all practiced our "high 5 breathing" to help us to calm our emotions
Skills builder at home
Thank you Save the Children bookshop
Mrs Marchbank visited the Save the Children bookshop on Haltwhistle High Street and was amazed by the amazing range and quality of books available to buy. Armed with a list of the stories we needed for our Early Years class, the volunteers found a bag full of amazing quality books. The shop volunteers very generously bought the books for the school as they really wanted to help and they were delighted that the books were going somewhere where they would be enjoyed.
Please do visit and support the bookshop. The children's books cost £1.00 for three books.
Flood Update
I am pleased to report that drying works are now completed and work has begun to reinstate the damage caused by the flood at the start of term. We have met with the project manager and contractors this week. Our first priority will be to open up the closed sections of our school libraries, followed by the art and DT room and then work to the front of the 3 storey section which was so badly damaged. We are working towards completing this section by the end of October half term, so hope to have all children back in their classrooms when we return after the half term holiday.
Unfortunately the hall floor will require longer to be repaired. We are currently monitoring its condition closely, one section will have a temporary fix to allow it to be accessed safely until the complete repair can be carried out.
We are continuing to work with the police and have supplied CCTV footage of the arson attack on the evening of Sunday 4th September. Police are interested for any information relating to this crime.
New footpath
We are really pleased with the improvements to the footpath and road markings, which will make our access safer for all. We have been informed that the new railings will be installed from 10th October.
Please note the change of web address for our school uniform supplier (this is the same supplier, they have reorganised their website). Emblematic have advised us that all orders are processed daily and are dependant on stock availability from their suppliers. Due to some supply issues, some orders may take longer than 28 days to deliver. They advise placing orders as early as possible for the new school year.
Please could we also remind parents that leggings are not part of our school uniform (see below). Leggings may be used as part of the PE uniform, but should not be used for daily wear in the classroom.
We have also had several children wearing earrings to school. Children should not wear earrings to school as they present a risk of tearing and puncturing at playtimes as well as PE. Please could parents ensure earrings are removed before school.
Uniform recycling needs
We are short of:
school jumpers and cardigans in all sizes and
PE kit in larger sizes
for our uniform recycling. If you any of these items, and they are suitable for recycling to another child, please could you bring these to the school office.
Uniform recycling requests
If you would like items of uniform from our recycling bank please use this form (follow link) to make a request.
Attendance Matters
As we continue to recover from the disruption to children’s education caused by the pandemic, it is now more important than ever that children’s attendance is good or better. Every second in school counts, as missing school, whether by being late or taking unnecessary days off, creates more new learning gaps which need to be addressed. The best way you can support your child to recover from the lost school time of recent years is to ensure they are in school and ready to learn every day.
We want every child's attendance to be good or better. This means 96%+
Please check your child's attendance (see our app) against the class and national data. School staff are able to offer support if your child's attendance is of concern.
Please do not take your child out of school during term time as it disrupts your child’s learning and you risk financial penalties. Any term time leave of absence must be applied for more than 2 weeks before the date of leave and can only be authorised by the Headteacher in the case of EXCEPTIONAL circumstances. Please could we urge parents to book holidays during the 13 weeks of annual school holidays which are available each year.
If leave has not been authorised and your child is out of school then you may receive a minimum fine of £60 per child, per parent. If the time out of school makes your child’s attendance drop below 90% then they are known as persistently absent under the governments attendance definitions. This means that you may face prosecution through the courts.
Please help us to help your child catch up by ensuring they are in school and ready to learn every day.
Friends Resillience Programme - Coffee morning change of date
Unfortunately we need to postpone the Friends Resillience coffee morning. We will message parents with the new date asap.
Before and After School club bookings
Please click here to book a place in breakfast club
Please click here to book a place in after school care
Calendar of Events - Please scroll to see all dates
Our Parent Calendar provides LIVE dates several months ahead. This can be accessed on our school website and can be added to your phone calendar to you are always aware of forthcoming events.
School Games Gold
Skills Builder Silver
Reading for Pleasure Award
STEM Ambassador School
Ruth Miskin Award
Our school designated safeguarding leads are Susie Drake, Tony Irvine, Michelle Brewster and Bethan Alsopp