Haltwhistle Academy Newsletter

Final thanks

The end of term is always an incredibly busy time in school, but it has been truly magical to be able to enjoy this week with our families, celebrating in style at last!  It has been so long since we have been able to mark these milestones alongside parents, so thank you to everyone who juggled diaries, whipped up costumes and joined us to mark the end of year milestones for our children.  

We also said thank you and a fond farewell to the members of staff who are moving on to new ventures.  Miss Maher, who covered Miss Stronach's maternity leave, has been warmly welcomed by the children and families in Year 3.  We wish her every success and hope she will be back again soon, as she will be continuing to teach across local schools.  Mrs Banks, our Assistant Head and SENCo, who has helped so many Haltwhistle families and has often been the first member of staff parents know well, will be really missed by our whole school team.  We wish her the very best for the future.  Mrs Todd, possibly the most calm and caring teacher we know, will be making her mark as a driving instructor in September.  We wish her well and think she will be perfect for her new role.  We can't forget Mrs Forsyth, who has worked alongside Mrs Todd for the past 2 years and contributed much to our PE and Geography curriculum.  Thanks also to Miss Marchioli and Dr Jones who joined us short term and have brought great energy to our team.  

We look forward and are excited to welcome the new talent which will be joining our team in September.  Mrs Michelle Brewster joins us as SENCo, and has already met many of the families of children with EHCP's.  Mrs Timms joins us as our Year 5 teacher and Mrs Morris joins us as our full time nursery teacher.  You will have an opportunity to meet our new staff at our Meet the Teacher event in September.

Thank you once again to our whole staff team who have achieved so much, despite the difficulties that covid has continued to present us with over this past year.  They have shown exceptional resilience and determination to do the best by every child and it's as a result of their dedication that the children have made great progress and grown in confidence as the year has progressed.

A final thank you to our children and families for believing in us and helping us to make our school the happy, thriving and high achieving place that it is.  It is your support at home that is often the key to a child achieving their dreams and we thank you for the time and effort to helping your child along the way.

And so we have completed our first year at our new school site!  It's difficult to believe!  We look forward to a summer without packing boxes and covid restrictions and hope that wherever you venture, you have a wonderful summer holidays.

With best wishes, 

Mrs Drake

Early Years Graduation

Our end of Early Years graduation always brings a few tears of joy!  It's always amazing to see how much the children have changed and learnt since they started nursery just a short time ago.  It's always a pleasure to join parents for this celebration - thank you to everyone who joined us.  

UKS2 production of Aladdin

Our Year 5 and 6 children entertained us all with a brilliant end of term production.  Congratulations to everyone who took part - you all shone brightly and amazed us with your excellent performances.

Slip and Slide!

A year ago we had no water at our new school!! We thought we'd celebrate our first whole year at our new school with a huge water slide!  

Y6 Pool, Pizza and Disco Party

Year 6 celebrated in style during their final afternoon.  We'd like to thank Haltwhistle Leisure Centre for hosting this event.  

Year 6 Leavers 

We celebrated the achievements of our amazing Year 6 class with a leavers assembly on the final morning.  We all enjoyed sharing the old photographs again and seeing just how much the children have grown and developed in confidence over the years.  We wish all our Year 6 the very best for the future. 

Pirate day!

This week, early years had a great time dressed as pirates and taking part in lots of fun activities. We were given our own pirate name, threw sponges at the naughty bear and even walked the plank! What a great way to end the term! 

KS1 Sports Award Ceremony

We held our KS1 Sports Award Ceremony in the woodland earlier this week - complete with log podium!  Well done to our fantastic Key Stage 1 sports winners. We enjoyed a lovely presentation in our forests school where winners received ribbons for swimming and medals for sports day. It was lovely to see the children cheering on their friends who were winners and some lovely comments about the sports skills of their peers were also made. Super effort Key Stage 1! 

LKS2 Art

Lower KS2 have worked hard this term using the Sgraffito technique to create Viking inspired mythical beasts. The technique has required the layering of black oil pastel over bright colours and then scratching patterns in to add textural detail. It’s meant some messy fingers but lots of fun! 

Magazine Editor visits Year 5

A few weeks ago our patron of reading, Margi McAlister, came into school to talk to our Year 5's about their reading habits. Keen to encourage them that reading can be beyond books and the classroom they talked about magazines. Margi then left them with a project to work together to make magazines which would inspire others to read. Margi then returned this week with Jane editor of the local magazine 'The Northumbrian' to see the children's magazines. Both Margi and Jane were incredibly impressed with the quality of work produced and Mr Falkingham talked very proudly about how their attitude and excitement towards the project had really impressed him. 

Mrs Hind's Forest School finale

Together with a picnic, we enjoyed our last Forest School session of the year. We enjoyed a story and sang songs accompanied by the talented Cairo on the ukulele . 

LKS2 Sports Awards

On Thursday morning LKS2 held their finals and awards ceremony for Sports Day. Well done to everyone who took part!

School Uniform (new link)

Please note the change of web address for our school uniform supplier (this is the same supplier, they have reorganised their website).  Emblematic have advised us that all orders are processed daily and are dependant on stock availability from their suppliers.  Due to some supply issues, some orders may take longer than 28 days to deliver. They advise placing orders as early as possible for the new school year.  

Please could we also remind parents that leggings are not part of our school uniform (see below).  Leggings may be used as part of the PE uniform, but should not be used for daily wear in the classroom.  

Uniform recycling needs 

We are short of:

for our uniform recycling.  If you any of these items, and they are suitable for recycling to another child, please could you bring these to the school office.  

Uniform recycling  requests

If you would like items of uniform from our recycling bank in preparation for the new school year, please use this form (follow link) to make a request.    

Skills Builder - Silver Award!

We are delighted to have achieved the Skills Builder Silver Award in recognition of our commitment to secure essential life skills for all our children.  This programme has really helped our whole school community to recognise and value the skills, and work towards making improvements in each area.  Thank you to Miss Thompson for her help with this project.  

Attendance Matters

Our end of year attendance figures are a concern and attendance will continue to be a key priority for our school in the new academic year.  Please help us by ensuring your child attends school every day.  

As we continue to recover from the disruption to children’s education caused by the pandemic, it is now more important than ever that children’s attendance is good or better.  Every second in school counts, as missing school, whether by being late or taking unnecessary days off, creates more new learning gaps which need to be addressed.  The best way you can support your child to recover from the lost school time of recent years is to ensure they are in school and ready to learn every day. 

We want every child's attendance to be good or better.  This means 96%+.  This weeks year group attendance figures:

Please check your child's attendance (see our app) against the class and national data.  Contact school if you require support to improve school attendance.   

Please do not take your child out of school during term time as it disrupts your child’s learning and you risk financial penalties.   Any term time leave of absence must be applied for more than 2 weeks before the date of leave and can only be authorised by the Headteacher in the case of EXCEPTIONAL circumstances.  Please could we urge parents to book holidays during the 13 weeks of annual school holidays which are available each year.   

If leave has not been authorised and your child is out of school then you may receive a minimum fine of £60 per child, per parent.  If the time out of school makes your child’s attendance drop below 90% then they are known as persistently absent under the governments attendance definitions.  This means that you may face prosecution through the courts.  

Please help us to help your child catch up by ensuring they are in school and ready to learn every day.

Sponsored Summer Scrapbook Challenge

Following the success of last years Scrapbook challenge, every child has again brought home a scrap book to record their adventures, big and small, over the summer holidays. The children really enjoyed sharing these memories with their new class teachers and it helped build relationships at the start of the year. 

Coming in September - Friends Resillience Programme

Haltwhistle Library Summer Reading Challenge

Are you looking for something to do during the holidays? Come along to Haltwhistle Library and join us for the Summer Reading Challenge.  Get ready for the Gadgeteers a Science and innovation themed challenge which will also be available online.

The Summer Reading Challenge is open to all primary school children and is designed for all reading abilities.

 The format for the challenge is that children can take part in 3 planned activity sessions over the holidays and borrow 2 books per visit to complete the challenge and be awarded their medal.

Sign up for free during the summer holidays.

Opening times are

Mon-Fri 10-1 then 1.30-4.30

Saturday 10-1 

Dinner @ Haltwhistle Methodist Church (Summer holidays)

On the following dates there will be a hot meal provided for Children and Young People at Haltwhistle Methodist church. Ayesha (from youth club) will be there as a friendly face. If you would like to join us for 'dinner' please contact Ayesha by 12noon the day before on 07835163927 or via Facebook-Haltwhistleyoungandsweet. Meals will be served at 3.30pm on Tuesday 2nd , 9th ,  16th, 23rd, 30th  of August. 

Calendar of Events - Please scroll to see all dates

Our Parent Calendar provides LIVE dates several months ahead.  This can be accessed on our school website and can be added to your phone calendar to you are always aware of forthcoming events.  

School Games Gold

Skills Builder Silver

Reading for Pleasure Award

STEM Ambassador School

Ruth Miskin Award

Our school designated safeguarding leads are Susie Drake, Tony Irvine, Michelle Brewster and Bethan Alsopp