901H-5.2 Flipped Teaching Lesson

The Lesson

“Your Love is an Ode”


The Project Description:

Students will be writing an ode that will be put up for display at the school Valentine's Dance and to possibly enter in the county writing festival. Instruction will begin with reviewing figurative language by analyzing a song. Students will then receive instruction via google slides that provide the definition and examples of figurative language. Students will return to collaborating with their group to see if they are able to identify additional examples of figurative language in the poem. After a class discussion sharing their findings, students will be introduced to a type of poem called the ode. Students will view a few examples and review rubric before they begin their task

I decided to choose a lesson that I am currently working on with my students to design into a flipped lesson. I did insert additional components to improve the lesson. Since I have already started the lesson as a direct instruction activity, I am not sure what the results would be as a flipped lesson. although I do intend to implement it is a flipped lesson the next time I teach it. Some of the educational pedagogy that I utilize in the lesson are requiring student to collaborate with their peers, arranging classroom seating to accommodate group communication, and seating that also encourages frequent conversations between the teacher and the groups of students.