Assignment Availability & Due Dates

Set Availability & Due Dates:

  1. On the navbar, click Assignments.

  2. On the Assignments page, locate the assignment you wish to add availability and/or due dates to.

  3. Click the black down arrow next to the assignment.

  4. Choose Edit Assignment from the drop list.

  5. Once inside the Assignment settings, click on the Restrictions tab.

  6. Here you can choose the Has Start Date, Has Due Date, and Has End Date check boxes. OTTL Note: most commonly, instructors simply choose a Due Date and do not use the other date restrictions. If you would like to restrict access to students based on certain dates, you can use Start Date and/or End Date depending on your needs.

    • Start Date - restrict a student from access an assignment dropbox until a certain date (view instructions and submit)

    • Due Date - the date an assignment is due for submission by the student. Submissions received after this date will be accepted but marked as "late"

    • End Date - restrict a student from accessing an assignment dropbox after a certain date (view instructions and submit)

  7. Use the provided fields to set your dates.

  8. Click Save and Close.