Resource Bank

OTTL created this list of resources to help you get started with learning to use the various tools we have available at Wilkes. This page is organized into three main categories: D2L/LIVE Resources, Panopto and then Synchronous Tools. So much, but not everything, is possible with the platforms we use -- if you aren't sure how to do something and can't find it using the links below, please just ask!

One important thing to keep in mind as you transition to online is that face-to-face activities don't always translate exactly as they are to the online environment and sometimes need to be modified or reimagined. OTTL is here to help you find ways to still achieve the same student learning outcomes, but maybe in a slightly different way. All we ask is that you be open to suggestions.

Glossary of Terms - Are you familiar with the basic terms in online teaching and learning? Visit the Glossary of Terms to familiarize yourself with some of the most commonly used terms in distance learning.

D2L/LIVE Resources

On-Demand Training and the Brightspace Community

Interested in learning more about how to use the tools in LIVE/D2L on your own schedule? Then Subscription Training is the perfect option for you. Wilkes University has secured access for all instructors to utilize D2L's tiered, on-demand training platform. Create your own training plan or simply dive deep into a single tool - you choose! Follow these simple steps to get started.

  1. Visit to create your account on the Brightspace Community

  2. Once your account is created, log in and click on the Learning Center link from the menu bar along the top

  3. Then click on the blue Subscription Training box on the right

  4. Once inside, we suggest you watch the 'Tips for Getting Started' video (link under the main heading in the blue box) so you learn how to get the most use of the system

  5. To dive into a specific tool of interest, click on Learning Environment for Higher Ed (from the list on the right side) and choose from the list

The Brightspace Community is your central resource for all things related to the LMS. Find documentation, tutorials, articles and myriad resources for best practices in utilizing the tools. You can join in discussions on topics or explore user-submitted feature enhancements and upvote your favorites. Explore and visit often to keep up to date. Watch this video to get a quick overview of what is available in the community!

Panopto Resources

Panopto is our fully-supported and fully-integrated with D2L video management platform. This robust system makes it easy to create video lectures right from your own computer and then add them to your D2L course. To get started, watch some of the previous workshops on Panopto. These are grouped on the Trainings and Workshops page. Sessions range from introductory to advanced depending on your experience.

For basic instructions on lecture recording, visit Record Video Lectures.

Synchronous Class Tools

Virtual Classroom - Hold a Synchronous Class using the Virtual Classroom tool integrated right into D2L. Virtual Classroom offers a variety of tools including breakout rooms, whiteboard, polling, and much more!

Google Meet offers a simple option to hold a class session and record it. Learn how to schedule a class meeting and start or join a meeting right from your Google Calendar.

Zoom is another option for holding synchronous class sessions. It offers many tools like breakout rooms, polling, whiteboard, and more! If you find you need a pro zoom account to hold longer class sessions, please contact Matt Koch at for assistance. Zoom is now integrated right into D2L making it really easy to set up synchronous class sessions and sharing recordings. Here is the Instructor Guide for you and the Student Guide to place in your course for students.

If you are using Zoom heavily for live class sessions and recording them, you might want to consider getting into the Zoom and Panopto integration group. This feature allows you to have your recorded Zoom class recordings go right into a special folder in your Panopto 'My Folder' thereby making it really easy to share the recording links with students in D2L. Contact for more details. Please be aware that recordings stored on Zoom will be deleted according to the Zoom Recording Storage Policy, which you can find here. We encourage you to join the Panopto-Zoom integration group to ensure your recordings can be stored longer term.

Remember, for all these tools, you can record your session and post the link to that session in your D2L course shell so students can watch it. Virtual Classroom and Zoom are integrated right within D2L/LIVE making it very easy to share recording links with students. If you use Google Meet, you might want to consider downloading it from the recording source, uploading it to your Panopto site, add captions and then share it in the appropriate class shell. Placing all your class recordings in Panopto offers you the ability to see if students are viewing the recording and get overall viewing activity statistics, which could be really helpful to identify students who might be struggling because they are not viewing the content.