US History

AP/ECE US History 1501 AP/ECE US History 1502

Welcome to US History!

This is a class for students who were recommended by their previous year's teacher. The course content goes from the pre-colonial era to the present of US History. The skills are primarily intensive and critical reading of primary and secondary source documents and writing full-length essays at the collegiate level.

This course offers the opportunity for the AP test in May, and also for 6 credits from UCONN. See Mrs. Bradley, your Counselor, Mrs. Mucinskas (UCONN Site Representative), or Mr. Deguire (AP Coordinator) for more information.

In addition to this website, here are additional ways that we can electronically connect.

Choose any or all with which you are comfortable.

email: cbradley@wethersfield.me (the easiest way for us to communicate.)

Sign-up for ParentSquare (EVERYONE should do this!)

Sign-up for Google Classroom for UCONN fab7wqj


Please fill out the book form here: Book Obligation Form. Thanks.

Go to Google Classroom

  • period 3 mgi2pvm

  • period 4 hcrz4oh

  • period 8 abpqdy5

We'll also be using these websites regularly:


SAT review: in-class activities and Khan Academy videos and Khan Academy website

How this class works as a "Triple Threat" for credit:

1: This class is divided in two sections, according to the UCONN Early College Experience system. Your UCONN grade is determined through assessments in class.

2: It is also taught to prepare any of you taking the AP test in May. Please see the 'AP Exam Review's sub-folder for information.

3: And of course, you're taking an AP/ECE level course for high school. QPA points reflect this for graduation.

Click on the link 'Home' at the top-right of the screen for individual courses, then units (or use the links at the top of the page.) We'll use this site almost every day, so 'favoriting' this page is a good idea.

The following website are alternatives or only used occasionally- don't worry about them, yet.


Quizizz (sign in with google drive, then wait until class for the class id.)

This is an alternate PSD (Primary Source Document) text: Documents and Debates. We might use this, too.