Religious Studies

Welcome to the Religious Studies information page! 

Your teachers are:

Ms A Mair (Subject Coordinator)

Ms J Higman

Mr M Stuart-Bourne

Religious Studies Curriculum Booklet 

Religious Studies at KS3 is centred around the Westminster Agreed Syllabus inspires students to look beyond their own beliefs, think critically about the world and consider the moral implications of their own decisions. It develops knowledge of other groups and communities around the world, fostering tolerance, understanding and respect. As such, it prepares students for the reality of living in modern, 21st Britain. Over the two years, they will study the six major world religions as well as being introduced to moral issues such as war and peace. 

In GCSE Religious Studies, we follow the AQA GCSE Religious Studies (Specification A). 

Here you will find more information about what you are taught in Year 7, 8 and 9. 

Here you will find more information about what you are taught for GCSE, and revision resources exam advice

What should I do if I have questions or need help?