Global Citizenship

Welcome to the Global Citizenship subject information page! 

Citizenship Curriculum Lead

Mr B Law Smith 

Teachers of Citizenship

Ms. N Ahmed

Ms. A Mair

Global Citizenship develops students' political knowledge, skills and understanding to prepare them to play a full and active part in a society. Through an interleaving of Citizenship and PSHE curricula it teaches our students about the world around them and themselves whilst activating critical thinking. Through project work at both KS3 and KS4 it fosters a sense of responsibility towards local, national and global communities and empowers students to affect positive change.

In Y10-11, we follow the AQA GCSE Citizenship Studies specification.

Have a look at the Global Citizenship Curriculum Booklet for further details of topics and lessons.

Here you will find more information about what you are taught in Year 7, 8 and 9 Global Citizenship lessons.

Here you will find more information about what you are taught for GCSE, revision resources and exam advice. 

Suggested reading list


Suzanne Collins - The Hunger Games (series)

Tiffany Jewell - This Book is Anti-Racist

Terry Deary - Knowledge: Potty Politics

Kamala Harris - The Truths We Hold (YA edition)


Gayle Pitman - The Stonewall Riots: Coming Out In The Streets

Margaret Atwood - The Handmaid’s Tale

Geraldine McCaughrean- The Supreme Lie

Rutger Bregman - Utopia for Realists

Barack Obama - A Promised Land

Eitan Hersh - Politics is for Power

What should I do if I have questions or need help?