Year 7, 8 & 9

Global Citizenship

Year 7

Throughout Year 7 you will learn how to be a responsible global citizen, understand your human rights and study the UK legal system. You will also cover the PSHE/RSHE topics of cyber bullying, racial diversity and relationships to help your transition to secondary school.

These are the enquiry questions for each term with links to the lesson outlines:

Term 1 - How can we be successful global citizens?

Term 2 - What are your rights and responsibilities?

Term 3 - What does it mean to live in a diverse Britain?

Term 4 - Do we all have our rights protected?

Term 5 - How important are relationships?

Term 6 - How does the UK legal system protect our rights?

For lesson and revision resources go to your Google Classroom!

Year 8

Throughout Year 8 you will learn about the core topics of democracy, the media and systems of governance. You will also deepen your understanding of PSHE/RSHE topics including relationships, financial literacy and careers.

These are the enquiry questions for each term with links to the lesson outlines:

Term 1 - What does it mean to live in a democratic society?

Term 2 - Does how the media portray us matter?

Term 3 - What's the best way to run a country?

Term 4 - Sex and Relationships Education

Term 5 - How do we become financially literate?

Term 6 - What’s my direction? (Careers)

For lesson and revision resources go to your Google Classroom!

Year 9

In Year 9 you will deepen your understanding of Citizenship and PSHE topics and develop your skills in Active Citizenship. You will begin sustainability education, extend your knowledge on mental health and examine whether the UK has equality for race and religion.

The second half of the year will develop your Active Citizenship skills by learning how you can help make a positive change in your local area. In Terms 5-6 will complete a project on an issue of your choice and build your research, presentation and evaluative skills.

These are the enquiry questions/topics for each term with links to the lesson outlines:

Term 1 - How can we be sustainable as a country?

Term 2 - Mental health in schools

Term 3 - Have we achieved equality in society?

Term 4 - Active Citizenship: How can I make a difference?

Term 5 - Active Citizenship: My Investigation Part I (research and planning)

Term 6 - Active Citizenship: My Investigation Part II (action and evaluation)

For lesson and revision resources go to your Google Classroom!

Moving beyond the curriculum...

To be a successful Global Citizenship student you should be able to bring current affairs into the classroom each week. The following resources are an excellent way to keep up to date with the news and to learn more about the topics we cover in Y7-9.

BBC Newsround - read the news for 10mins a day!

Simple Politics - an email newsletter or available to follow on TikTok and Instagram!

BBC Bitesize - extra resources on UK politics topics covered in Y7-8