
Welcome to the Economics information page! 

Your teachers are:

Ms M Jugoo

Ms T Jennings


Economics Curriculum Booklet

The study of economics is essentially about dealing with scarcity, resource allocation and the methods and processes by which choices are made in the satisfaction of human wants. The course emphasises the economic theories of microeconomics, which deal with economic variables affecting individuals, firms and markets, and the economic theories of macroeconomics, which deal with economic variables affecting countries, governments and societies. These economic theories are not to be studied in a vacuum—rather, they are to be applied to real-world issues. Prominent among these issues are fluctuations in economic activity, international trade, economic development and environmental sustainability.

The economics course encourages students to develop international perspectives, fosters a concern for global issues, and raises students’ awareness of their own responsibilities at a local, national and international level. The course also seeks to develop values and attitudes that will enable students to achieve a degree of personal commitment in trying to resolve these issues, appreciating our shared responsibility as citizens of an increasingly interdependent world.

Readings in Economics

An Economist must be a voracious consumer of local, national and global news.

For a deeper dive into the world of economics I highly recommend the following resources to further enrich your studies:



Daily Newsletters

The Hustle

Morning Brew

Blogs from leading experts and NGOs

Marginal Revolution

Greg Mankiw (Harvard Economist)

Paul Krugman (NYT)



Government Agencies




What should I do if I have questions or need help?