GCSE Religious Studies

Paper 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teachings and practices

1 hour 45 Minutes

Christian Beliefs and Practices

Buddhist Beliefs and Practices

Paper 2: Thematic Studies

1 hour 45 minutes

Themes: Relationships and Family; Religion and Life; Religion, Peace and Conflict; Religion, Crime and Punishment; Religion, human rights and social justice.

Revision Websites

Revision Resources- click on the links below for the various websites:

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Revision Videos

Checklists Paper 1 and Paper 2

Extra Information

Exam Dates: TBC

Moving beyond the curriculum...

To be a successful Religious Studies student, you must be able to show a sense of understanding of other faiths and belief systems.

The following sites are an excellent way to keep up to date and to learn more about the topics we cover at GCSE, and beyond.

Overview of the major world faiths - this website allows you to learn more about the religions that we don't cover at GCSE such as Hinduism and Islam

EdX - Courses in Religion - this website provides lots of courses that you can do in your own time, which combine the study of religion; application and understanding religious scriptures; and approaches to modern world issues