Year 10 Business

Term 1 - The Characteristics of Enterprises (Component 1A)

In their first term of studying this Tech Award in Enterprise, learners begin with explore the main activities enterprises undertake and the characteristics and skills of the entrepreneurs that run them. The main assessment format during this term will replicate the new PSA format for Component 1.

Market Research of Enterprise (Component 1B)

Continuing from Learning Aim A of Component 1 of this qualification, learners explore the market research methods used by enterprises and their importance in understanding customer needs and competitor behaviour. Learners will carry out research into internal and external factors for use in a PEST and SWOT analysis to help them understand how these factors affect enterprises.

Term 2 - Factors affecting Enterprises (Component 1C)

Learners will carry out research into internal and external factors for use in a PEST and SWOT analysis to help them understand how these factors affect enterprises. This term will culminate in their formal summative assessment (Component 1 Pearson-set-assignment)

Term 3 - My Micro-Enterprise Ideas (Component 2A)

Learners will continue their studies from January with Component 2: Planning and Presenting a Micro-Enterprise Idea. Initially learners will explore ideas for micro-enterprises and learners will draw on research to complete an accurate and realistic business plan for their chosen micro-enterprise idea within a given budget.

Term 4 - My Plan for a micro-enterprise activity (Component 2A)

In this term, learners will develop skills to produce and deliver an electronic presentation that summarises the business plan. In preparation for their Component 2 PSA in term 5, learners will develop critical thinking skills as they review and reflect on the success of the production and delivery of their presentation, making recommendations for improvements.

Term 5 - My Plan for a micro-enterprise activity (Component 2A)

The beginning of Term 5 sees our students undertaking their second formal PSA assessment in their lessons; Learners will use research methods to choose and reject ideas for a micro-enterprise and develop a business plan. Then they will present their business plan and review the production and delivery of their presentation.

Component 3 LA Promotion (EXAM)

In the remainder of term 5 learners will begin learning key theory (learning aim A) of their exam component which will take place in February of their year 11 academic year. , learners will explore how marketing is used by enterprises and the factors that influence how enterprises identify and target their market.

Term 6 - Component 3 LA Promotion (EXAM)

In this final term of Year 10, learners will explore the marketing mix, how and why traditional and digital marketing methods are used, and the importance of matching campaigns to the aims of enterprises. Finally, learners will explore the factors influencing the choice of marketing methods for enterprises.

Key Resources

Component 1 Textbook (for Terms 1-3 of year 10)

Component 2 Textbook (for Term 4)

Component 3 Textbook (for Term 5 and 6) + Syllabus RAG Sheet

Year 11 Business

Term 1 - Finance Records: Learning Aim B

Continuing their study of Component 3 for their exam in February, learners will study Learning Aim B Financial documents and statements. Learners will complete and interpret financial documents. Learners will explore the purpose, typical format, sequence and the part that each document plays when ordering, checking, recording and paying for goods and/or services. Students will understand the costs involved in business and how businesses make a profit. They then will identify how businesses make money (generate revenue) from selling their products or services.

Term 2 - Financial Records, Planning & Forecasting

Following from term 1’s key financial concepts taught, students will understand how businesses plan for financial success and the tools used in doing so. Students should be able to complete, read and comment on budgets, cash flow statements, profit and loss accounts, balance sheets and break even charts by the end of this team and then have learnt all concepts for their summative external assessment next term.

Term 3 - Component 3: Exam Preparation

As learners will have learnt and all key knowledge for their examination in February. This term will largely be based upon building student’s exam technique in preparation for their exam in early February. Mock examinations, retrieval practice and re-teaching of key content (based on learner feedback) will be predominant in lessons their term.

Term 4 - Component 2: Pitching an Enterprise Activity

Students will be introduced to the communication skills needed to produce a good business pitch to potential investors. They will also learn the required elements of the pitch and the written business plan. Students will practise presenting ideas to the class regularly. This term all learners will reflect upon their business plan created previously and summarise this into a high-quality professional pitch for their micro-enterprise idea.

Term 5 - Component 2: Reflect upon your micro-enterprise activity

Students will finalise their business plan and presentation, and they will then be formally assessed at the end of this term for this final component 2 and complete the course after reflecting and evaluating the success of their plan and pitch.

Term 6 - Course Completion

By term 6, all students will have submitted remaining internally assessed component coursework and will complete the adjoining quality assurance paperwork to end this course and prepare for their summative examinations in other subjects.

Key Resources

Component 3 Textbook (for Term 1-3) + Syllabus RAG Sheet

Component 2 Textbook (for Term 4 and 5)