Important Terms and Definitions

Quality Matters is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of online education. Below are some of the terms Quality Matters uses.

Accessibility - The extent to which a product, service, or facility is available to all people. In the context of the online learning environment, accessibility encompasses special measures that may be taken to ensure for learners with disabilities the accessibility of all course information, instructional materials, devices, and activities used for teaching and learning.

Activity - Any form of learner participation that serves to reinforce course content and provides an opportunity for learners to further their attainment of course or module/unit learning objectives or competencies. Often, an activity allows for practice, discovery, and trial-and-error. Also called Assignments.

Alignment - Critical course elements working together to ensure that learners achieve the desired learning outcomes.

Assessment (the process of) - An ongoing, systematic process of evaluating learning achievement that (1) is based on clear expectations for learning in the form of learning objectives, (2) provides sufficient opportunities for learners to achieve the expectations, (3) gathers evidence that learning has occurred, and (4) applies the information to improve teaching and learning.

Assessments (strategies) - Instruments used to identify what students have learned; specifically, instruments used to measure the match between the learning objectives or competencies and learners' attainment of them.

Assignments – In the LMS, this section is where assignments can be turned in by students. In course design, it is a tool for students to use to learn the course material.

Browser – The software used to access the internet. Popular browsers include Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox.

Course-Level Learning Objectives or Competencies - Statements of the specific and measurable knowledge, skills, attributes, and habits learners are expected to achieve and demonstrate as a result of their educational experiences in a course.

Criteria - The qualitative or quantitative guidelines, rules, principles, or statements by which learner responses, work products, or mastery are evaluated.

Dropbox – The former name for the section where assignments can be turned in by students.

Evaluation - A judgment regarding the quality, value, or worth of a response, work product, or performance based on established criteria. The evaluation of a learner's work is typically reflected in the grade assigned or score earned.

Facilitator - (CBL) A word used to describe the leadership role in a course in which the leader (facilitator) helps the learner, guiding his or her learning rather than dictating or delivering content. Typically, the facilitator performs such functions as answering the learner’s questions, managing discussion forums, and evaluating the learner’s work.

Feedback - Specific comments, guidance, and information provided by the course instructor or facilitator in response to a learner activity or assessment. Feedback is tied to the established evaluation criteria and includes reasons for the accompanying evaluation and the resulting grade.

Learning Activities - Activities that help learners meet the learning objectives. All "learning activities" are "course activities"; however, not all "course activities" are "learning activities." Some activities, such as downloading software or creating a presence through introductions, would be "course activities" that are not necessarily "learning activities."

Learning Management System (LMS) – The software application where course materials, grades, and actual online courses are housed.

Media - One-way delivery modalities that enhance learning. Examples are video, audio, animations, and podcasts. In online learning, media are used to deliver course content, provide instructional materials, or serve as resources for learning activities.

Microsoft Office – A collection of software for use in creating documents (Microsoft Word), powerpoint presentations (Microsoft PowerPoint), databases (Microsoft Access), and spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel).

Module/Unit-Level Learning Objectives or Competencies - Statements of the specific and measurable knowledge, skills, attributes, and habits learners are expected to achieve and demonstrate as a result of their educational experiences in a module.

Point Values - The numerical values given to an assignment or group of assignments in the course.

Technology – A wide array of different hardware, software, subscriptions, and plug-ins that includes tools.

Web Browser : See “Browser”

Higher Education Glossary, Sixth Edition. (2018, May 15). Retrieved October 08, 2018, from